Chapter Fifteen

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As March ended, the days grew only warmer. Jade finally gave in to the urges she felt and wore shorter sleeves with lighter colors. Immediately the problem of heat wasn't as massive as it had been before. Instead of the issue of overheating, then came the issue of doing her best to stay in control, as there was only a tiny space for the ink to ooze out and remain unseen, which was a constant struggle of the anxieties of trying to explain it all away. She was sure to balance her training with as proper rest as she could get.

Towards the final days of March came the issue of Driver's Education, which Susie seemed willing enough to help out with. It was the most that the two family members had talked to each other in what felt like quite a while. However, this still didn't ease the nervousness Jade felt practicing behind the wheel. So much could go wrong by one simple mistake, hers or otherwise. It was hardest to remain in control in the driver's seat.

At last, she took self-care seriously, and rested when she felt she needed to. At first, it was hard to find the balance, and with nightmares a constant problem, it was somewhat difficult, but after a short while, she managed to find a decent balance that seemed to be working. Though the dark circles under her eyes didn't fade, she didn't seem to feel as exhausted as she looked anymore.

As April's warmth enveloped their world, flowers began to grow and the grass became greener, reviving the land from the cold deadness of winter and bringing color to the eyes. Though Jade was used to all of the life, Boris was mesmerized by such metamorphosis. It showed in his curious examination of every flower that bloomed, every insect that started to reveal itself to the wolf's eyes.

Jade found it sad to know that Boris had never seen butterflies or bees before, but happy to know that she'd be able to explain what they are and how important they were to the plants, and in turn, the world as well. After this explanation, Boris gave every flying insect he could see a polite wave as he passed by.

One particular day, the two were outside, breathing in the fresh air that no longer nipped at their noses with chilliness, but rather had as pleasant of temperature as it did its aroma. Flowers tangled within the blades of grass and leaves of bushes and trees, giving the neighborhood a rainbow all its own. Jade recalled the springs and summers she and her mother spent weaving the flower's delicate stems into a colorful crown placed proudly upon their heads, joy sparkling in their eyes.

Now sadness took the place of pleasantness, the young girl certain that she'd never share these memories again after the cold shoulder had been near certainly solidified. That sadness would have stayed longer if not for the gentle pat on the shoulder from her dear canine friend.

"What's wrong?" He signed, concern plain on his expression

"Nothing really, I'm just... thinking." She sighed, her eyes going back out to the colors of nature.

"Is it about the flowers?" Boris persisted.

"Well... not exactly, but more the memories I've made." She started to let her mind envision all those years in the past. "Mom and I used to make flower crowns every spring and summer. All my friends and I ran around all covered in flowers and everything, and it... it was beautiful..." after her story, her vision blurred with tears on the brink of release. She looked down, hoping to conceal it from Boris.

The wolf gently used his hands to cup her chin and lift her head to get her to look at him, which foiled her attempts. She could never get upset at her wolf friend for this, for she knew he cared, but still... she hated to think she worried him with how she felt. Finally, she just gave in, the tears finally falling from her eyes, one at a time in a simple stream.

Boris gently patted her shoulder for a minute or so before getting her attention and telling her that he'd be right back. He got up and went out into the yard toward some of the many flowers that sprouted up from the ground, kneeling down as if to pick them. She watched him curiously, but kept her silence as she observed his work.

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