Chapter Ten

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Jade ran back the way she came from, panic welling up enough for the ink to start slipping out of her scars. It felt like the fear storm of Trial Four all over again.

"Jade! Get back here!" She heard Joey yell behind her, but she did not listen. Finding Boris was the only thing on her mind.

She went back the way she had come from, looking for her wolf companion.

I'm sorry Boris, please be okay! She thought desperately to herself. At the end of her backtracking, she still had not found the wolf. Oh no, oh no. Did he really get lost? Did he try to find me and go the wrong way?

She found herself quickly getting a headache from the voices starting to shout, and put both hands up to her head, rubbing her temples to alleviate the sudden pain. It did not work as she had hoped. The ink was crossing both arm scars now, approaching her elbows. Her breathing was staggered and uneven.

Come on, calm down. . . I didn't lose him that long ago. . . surely he's not far! I can yell and he'll hear me!

"Boris!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "Trysten!" She hoped for a response, or even Boris to return to her through the bushes. After those few minutes of slowly decaying hope were over, she began to worry once more. Is something keeping him away? Is he too scared to come back?

That thought scared her. His fear would be her fault, in that case. That hurt, more than any claws or axes. She shook her head. I shouldn't just stay in one place if he's too scared to come back here. I need to keep looking. But where?

She took a look around at the peaceful looking trees, lacking leaves in the late January cold. The stillness was reminding her quickly of the loneliness she now faced. The loneliness her wolf companion faced by this point.

Upon that thought, her mind had been set on a direction, determined with all of her power to change the situation. It was now more than ever she wished that Boris had a voice. It would make her search much easier.

She decided to try calling for them again. "Boris! Trysten!" She yelled. "Where are you?" Of course, now she had expected the lack of response from both of them.

The only thing she could think about was moving forward. Finding Boris. And the former was what she did. She kept speed walking at as fast a pace as her legs would allow without breaking out into a run. Running would give panic.

Soon, the wolf ran right over to her, hugging her tightly. She was startled at first, since she hadn't expected for him to find her instead of her to find him.

Boris? Boris! She hugged him back, a cascading waterfall of relief coming in place of her fear.

"There you are! I was worried sick! I'm so sorry!" Jade's tone reflected her feelings.

The hug lasted for another minute before they let go and looked at each other.

"Are you okay?" Jade asked in a concerned tone. Please say you're okay... I hope you didn't get hurt because of me...

The wolf nodded. "I found Trysten!" he signed excitedly.

Jade was shocked. "You did?" Thank goodness! Maybe he could take me back to her, and I can get her out of the woods!

The wolf nodded again, excitedly. "Yes! She's back there, in a tree! Don't tell Joey and Sasha though. They're scary."

"My lips are sealed. Is she okay?" Jade asked in a gentle tone. I'm sure it's just Boris who thinks they're scary... but after she ran from me... I don't know.

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