Chapter Eight

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Before Jade could successfully exit the studio, Joey opened the front door and stood in the way, startling both of them with his sudden appearance. Out of pure instinct, Jade shielded her friend.

"Where do you think you're going with the wolf?" Joey asked in a curious but threatening manner.

"I'm going home and he's coming with me." Jade glanced back at Boris, said wolf holding her shoulders gently and shaking a bit.

"And why should I let you take him out of the studio? This is where he belongs." Joey replied firmly.

"As you said before, Boris is replaced. You can get a replacement for him, can you not?"

"I can, but don't you think that a living cartoon is a little. . . unusual? As in, you will be interrogated about it." Joey said sternly, leaning down closer to her. "Unless you can make up some kind of excuse, you may not take him with you."

"What if I just said I had no idea where he came from? That we just became friends one day?" Jade offered, finding somewhere deep within her the ability to keep her voice fully even. "A kind stranger, even the most unusual of sorts, has the potential to be an amazing friend."

Joey seemed to be thinking for a moment. "And what if some don't accept this form of explanation?"

"Where would they look? This place doesn't have the name on the front of it anymore, and who knows how long ago that was."

"I suppose you do have a point," Joey replied thoughtfully. "Very well then, but if someone's to come in, that's on you."

Though the pushing of fault Joey to Jade did jolt her a bit, she was relieved that she would be allowed to bring Boris with her. She smiled back at the nervous wolf.

Joey stepped out of the way, allowing Jade and Boris through. They walked by, not making eye contact with Joey as they paced. With a smile, Jade glanced back at Boris, who was looking around in awe and wonder at the surrounding town.

This is what I've wanted for you, buddy. I can finally return the favor for you helping me. She thought to herself as she felt her sensing eyes of the studio close, now that she was outside. She could see pedestrians on the street giving the two of them weird looks as they went past. Boris seemed nervous about all of the new people around, but when seeing Jade was hardly fazed, he did his best to relax.

When the two of them arrived at Jade's house, her mother was more than a little surprised to see a living Boris with her daughter, and Jade could feel a hint of excitement at the prospect of being asked about him. She realized it was irrational, but just couldn't help it. Her hopes crashed down as no words were said, Susie turning back to whatever she had been doing before. Jade sighed, and Boris patted her shoulder gently, soothingly.

She gave him a soft smile. "Come on Boris, I'll show you around." She showed Boris around the house, finding true peace within her feelings for the first time since before the studio. Last, she had showed him her room. Boris's eyes lit up, his tail wagging when he noticed the Boris plushie sitting on her bed.

"You kept the plushie I gave you!" Boris signed with a smile.

"Of course I did. At one point, I thought that was the only thing I had left of you." She admitted, remembering how it had been one of the only things she had taken with her for Trial Five.

Boris patted her shoulder in response. I like your room. . . it's nice. It feels so. . . peaceful, even more so than the safe house." The wolf signed, taking a couple momentary pauses to figure out what to say.

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