Entry 4#

7 1 0

4th entry
4th April 2019
5: 51pm

Bennett came like he promised. We played and joked around but I wasn't feeling it. I don't know how this is supposed to help me but I'm beginning to realize I need help cause Bennett isn't real. I know that now but I do need help.

maybe not the type of help they give me here cause all those drugs do to me is make me drowsy and irritated.

I heard my mom whisper to me last night that I blinded my dad in one eye. Fucker deserves it. They all deserve it.

The anger is down a little bit but it's still there. I feel so suffocated but I'm not gonna let these monsters win. Haha you should hear me laugh but I guess I never told anyone about the voices in my head maybe cause they're evil, even now. Said I should probably set a trap for my parents, a trap that will make them loose everything they've ever worked and cared for and maybe, just maybe they will know what is like to loose everything that means the world to you.

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