Entry #6

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Entry #6
7th April 2019

I'm trying to hold on to my sanity but when is control ever easy?

I couldn't sleep so I called Daniel. Its selfish of me,I know but I'm trying to get hold of the only home I know. He said he wasn't sleeping and wanted to call me but didn't wanna wake me cause he knows I hardly get sleep. Says he's gonna come over and also wants me to stay with him.

I'm excited yes but I'm just gonna be a burden cause let's face it, I am a live ticking bomb and a serial killer in the making. Yes I've been having homicidal tendencies. Having the sick feeling of wanting to have another humans life in my hands,hold that power over them so what if my brother becomes a victim?

I feel like there two people in me trying to gain control and take over and both of them are sick.

When will this end? Please I need it to end.

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