Entry #8

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Entry #8
10th April

I never understood why. Never understood why Blue wanted to take the easy way out. I tired to but now I do.

I now understand the heart wrenching loneliness gripping at me despite being surrounded by people, I mean I have everything yet I choose to lock myself up.

I feel like I'm holding myself back yet I can't help sinking. That's the thing with depression. You know you'll be okay eventually, you know deep down that you're not alone yet your heart isolates itself.

My body and mind doesn't feel like mine anymore. Last night was a nightmare in a nightmare, turns out I slept walk to the kitchen, broke some glasses and kept crawling on all the broken pieces. One would think all the pain will wake me up.

I've been having urges to kill and it's not funny anymore. It's going to be easier to let go of all emotions and succumb to the urges, to let go of all thoughts and all pain but at what cost?

At the cost of losing myself.

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