Entry #15

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Entry #15

I made a decision not to go quietly, a decision not to be a victim of her circumstances but a survivor of her cage, a decision to heal, a decision to go on a journey of revival and self recovery.

I realize now that it's not going to be easy and it doesn't have to be immediate and I now know that I'm not alone.

I've got Daniel and we've got similar demons to slay. I moved in to his mansion yesterday and I realize how lonely he really is. How deep his wounds cut and how much struggle his been facing and that alone gives me strength.

I'm going to start going out and show myself once again to the world. Maybe along the way I'll find my old self back, maybe help someone struggling along the way. What actually matters is, I want this. We want this.

It's gonna be hell, we might crack but we will get back up again. My faith haven't been the strongest, never felt the need to believe in God but I have to be literally ignorant not to feel God's grace and mercies. Literally blind not to feel his unconditional love flowing through me giving me peace and soothing that ever hallow hole. He keeps lifting me up and providing blessings that are easy to over look.

When I'm done with this journal. I'm going to drop it somewhere, someone might find and I hope it's gonna be someone who needs this. Someone who is tired and at the verge of breaking and if you are. Don't give up just yet. Life is worth living, I promise. It's not always roses, there is always thorns but Tumblr doesn't define you. The mirror doesn't. Your dick or pussy size don't define you. Those scars aren't there to make you feel worthless but to remind you how strong you are, how extremely powerful you are that despite all that life has thrown on you, you are still breathing even if it's for this moment.

Don't give up just yet. Hang in there. Help is coming. Give yourself a chance.

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