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I woke up to Alex laying next to me and he looked so peaceful. I tried to get up quietly so I wouldn't wake up Alex but I got pulled backed.

"Where are you going" he said smiling .
"To shower" I smiled back.
" Well I should leave I have to shower to and get ready " he said getting up stretching.
"Yeah you stink" I joked. "Ok and you have morning breath" he said covering his nose.
I grasped and covered my mouth.
"I'm kidding" he laughed "Well bye text me later" he said leaving.
"Bye bitch" I said walking him to the door. "Bye hoe" he said.
"Bye skank" he said closing the door.
"I didn't no Alex was here" my mom said while sipping her coffee.
"Oh mom I didn't no you were uh here" I tried saying.
"So you and Alex uh" she smiled. "Its not what you think" I fiddled with my fingers. "Then what is it" she said.
I cant tell her me and Alex are friends with benefits, she would kill me. "Um well he was over because he liked this girl and she didn't feel the same for him so he was sad and I let him spend the night" I said.
"Oh well go get in the shower, there is a friend coming over I haven't seen in a long time and she has a son that goes to your school" she smiled. "Ok" I said going to the bathroom.

..... 1 hour later

After me getting ready I wore my hair down and did my usual makeup routine which wasn't even that match make up.
And I decided to wear this.....

 And I decided to wear this

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"Sweety get down here" my mom yelled so they must be here.
"Coming" I yelled back

As I was walking down the stairs I heard a familiar deep voice.

"Y/n!" Grayson said smiling pulling me in for a hug. "Grayson..I didn't no YOU were coming" I said.
" You too no each other " Grayson's mom ask.
"Oh I'm sorry I'm y/n" I said to Graysons mom. " it's fine and I'm lisa" she said "and yeah we no each other. Y/n was actually the first person I talked to because she showed me to my first class" he said smiling. "That's great, but why don't the two of you go upstairs while me and Lisa talk" my mom suggested. "Ok I guess lets gooo" I said to Grayson walking upstairs to my room.
"Nice room" he says entering it. "Thanks it's ok I guess" I said sitting on my bed. "Its creative" he smiled . "What you wanna do" he ask me. "Umm" I think. "I don't know, movie?" I ask. " Sure" he said. "Ok so you want any drinks or snacks" I ask him "no I'm fine but thanks" he smiled.

I went on Netflix and I put on The Kissing Booth. I've already seen this before but I could be on Netflix for hours picking a movie to watch.

"How about the kissing booth" I suggest "Sure and I haven't finished the rest of it" he said. "Ok and you no you could lay back on my bed" I laugh "Well I didn't just want to make myself comfortable by laying on your bed before asking you" he laughs while smiling "then why didnt you ask me" I smirk "it's weird for me to ask you if I could lay down on your bed...to me it's weird" he looks embarrassed "just get up here" i laughed "ok" he said getting on the right side of me "Lets start the movie" I say pressing play.

-- 30 minutes later

"Grayson" Lisa yelled "yeah" he yelled as we both get up from my bed from being on our phones because the movie got boring.
"Were leaving" she said as she seen us coming down the stairs.
" Ok well thanks and see ya tomorrow y/n" he said smiling.
"See ya " I waved.
(They left)
"He's quite handsome" my mom gave me a smirk.
" Yeah I guess" I said as I shrugged.
"Well dinner will be ready in a bit" my mom said
"Ok I'm gonna go take a shower than" i said running upstairs.

This is the end of this short chapter but I wanted to give a thank you to the person reading this.

Thank you for over 1k views and just for reading my book because it's all ideas that come up from my head and sometimes when I'm writing I'll lose interest because my good ideas that I have for a chapter I'm writing will be lost so I'll stop writing and then the next day I'll start to write again..


My Best Friend... With Benefits? Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora