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"That was orin" I looked at him.
"From middle school" he asked.
"Yeah. He came in detention and we met again" I said surprised .
"Oh cool, what you wanna do" he asked driving off.
"Hold on let me see what my mom is doing first" I pulled my phone out and texted my mom..

Me: hey mom! What you doing rn

Mom😘😍: I'm at your grandma's house, I'll be spending possible the whole week here because she is sick

Me: 😭 well I love you and tell grandma I love her 😘

Mom😘😍: love you and where or what are you doing?

Me: Alex picked me up from detention and we are gonna hang out, why?

Mom😘😍: just asking well there is a card with $300 on it so use it wisely, bye ❤

Mom: I will, bye 💖

"Good and bad news" I frowned.
"What's the bad news" he asked concerned.
"Well my grandma is sick so my mom is over her house taking care of her" I started "now the good news is that she will possible be over my grandmas house for the whole week" I finished .

"Well I hope your grandma feels better. She was like a grandma to me" he sighed "but the whole week with just me and you" he bit his lip.
" *laughs * Well I'm gonna see if Orin wants to hang out or if you don't want me to" I asked.
"No no, you can ask because Devyn did text me saying she wants to hang out so maybe we could all go together" looked at me.
"I don't really like her, she seems like a type of person to try to hard" I rolled my eyes. "Well how bout the mall"
"Yeah I'll text her, you text orin" he pulled over so we could.

Alex P.O.V

Y/n must really not like her.

ME: meet us at the mall

Devyn: us?

Me: yeah me y/n and her friend

Devyn: why does she got to come😐

Me: we already had plans together but she was bringing her friend and I brought you up and I said we could all go.

Devyn: ughh

Me: you don't have to come

Devyn: she doesn't have to come

Me: are you coming or not

Devyn: yes, what should I wear

Me: idgaf it's not like your impressing anyone special

Y/n P.O.V

"He's coming" I smiled .
"So is Devyn" he rolled his eyes.
"What's wrong" I ask.
" Here read the conversation " he said handing me his phone.

I read it and got a little mad but nothing serious. I'm glad Alex stood up for me, I would of done the same thing.

Whats her problem?
Who does she think she is?

"I'll show her something" I said typing .
"No" he snatched his phone out my hands
"Fine. But if she does one thing to irritate me - one thing, I'm going off on her" I stated.
"Ok geez" he said with his hands in the air.


We arrived at the mall and we found a parking spot and we headed towards the North entrance. That's where we told Orin to meet us and devyn is coming late.

We walked in and I seen Orin sitting on a bench with his phone in his hands not knowing we were here.

"Orin" I shouted. He looked up and got up from his seat.
"Hey guys" he said putting his phone away.
"Hey, I'm Alex" he reached his hand out.
"I'm Orin, as you probably no" he shook Alex's hand.
"Yeah I've seen you and y/n always hang out, in middle school" he smiled.

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