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* Cassiopeia POV*

Cassie woke to the sound of Sirius and Regulus fighting, she heard them throwing insults back and fourth between them before her father finally broke it up.

'What a great way to start of my birthday' she thought to herself. She got out of bed and laid out her clothes then got dressed, once she was ready she headed down stairs for her breakfast. "So we're finally up, are we?" Her mother said, "Good morning to you to" Cassie replied she opened her mouth to speak again but her father sent her a glare so she closed it again.

Suddenly there was a loud thundering noise that told everyone that Sirius and Regulus were coming down, "Happy Birthday Cassie" Regulus said as he came in, he was a lot friendlier to her than he was to Sirius "Thank you. Happy Birthday Sirius" Cassie cheerfully said as Sirius came over and sat at the table, "You to Cassie" he said between a yawn as she sat down beside him.

"Here you are, now no fighting" her mother said as she placed the food on the table, she seemed to have directed the last part to Sirius as he often fights over food.

They were having waffles even though they were Regulus' favourite and it was Cassie's and Sirius' Birthday, they sat eating their waffles when there was a tapping on the window and two owls flying outside. Both Cassie and Sirius sat up eagerly and stopped eating, they both knew what the owls were bringing, their Hogwarts letters.

"Cassiopeia this ones for you and Sirius this is yours" Their father handed over the letters he untied from the owls and sat back down. Cassie turned the letter over in her hands and looked at Sirius, he had already opened his and was reading through it. She tore open the envelope and took out the letter.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Black, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress

Cassie was so excited she had butterflies in her stomach, " Mum when can we go to Diagon Alley to buy all of our things?" She asked trying to contain her excitement, "We will go on the weekend, now Sirius, Cassiopeia clean off the table would you?"

"Yes mum" they both mumbled in reply.

Time Skip

"SIRIUS GET DOWN HER RIGHT NOW OR WE'RE LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" Cassie's mother yelled, all of them except Sirius was gathered around the fireplace waiting for him so they could go to Diagon Alley.

'Sirius just hurry up so she doesn't have to yell anymore' Cassie thought to herself.

Just as her mother was about to yell again Sirius came in looking rather annoyed, then once he was ready they all grabbed a handful of flopowder. They father want first, then Regulus , next was Sirius, Cassie and then their Mother.

They arrived in Diagon Alley and decided that Cassie and Sirius would get their robes and anything else they needed, while Regulus and their parents would get their books and supplies. Then they all agreed to meet up back in the Leaky Cauldron.

Cassie and Sirius headed off to get fitted for robes at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

Then arrived at Madam Malkin's and were shocked to see Bellatrix Lestrange getting fitted, "Do we go in or are we going to stare through the window and hope no one notices?" Cassie said to her brother who simply shrugged his shoulders in response.

They eventually went in and just hoped that she wouldn't notice but sadly she did, "Well, well, well haven't seen you two in a bit, hmm?"

"Yeah, Yeah Bellatrix not as if you care" Sirius said looking annoyed again.

"You're right I really don't Id prefer my life without you two in it to be honest" she snikered.

"Ok your all done now, hop down."Madam Malkin said.

Thankfully Bellatrix left so Cassie and Sirius could get fitted without being insulted. They hoped up on to the stool and chatted while being fitted.

"Do you think we can get our wands now?" Sirius asked eagerly, "I don't know, should we not wait for mum and dad?" Cassie asked in reply, "No it'll be fine, c'mon" So Cassie followed Sirius to Mr Ollivander's. It took a while but they eventually found the perfect wands, Cassie's was 11 inches, dogwood and unicorn hair. Mr Ollivander had told her that this wand is mischievous and it needs a partner who is the same, Cassie found this interesting as she did like to pull pranks a lot of the time.

"That went well," Sirius said while examining his wand.

"Yes despite the fact that you blew up a whole aisle of wands and I blasted a hole through his door, I think it went spectacular." Cassie said sarcastically.

They decided they would go and get ice cream because they still had a lot of time to spare, Cassie decided to get sticky toffee pudding and Sirius got chocolate and raspberry. They chatted together and decided they should get going. "Hey, I heard that new joke shop up, can we go check it out" Cassie begged Sirius, even though they were twins Sirius took on the role of being her older brother. "I don't know, mum will yell at us again if we're late."

"Please" she pleaded with puppy dog eyes. "Fine let's go."

Cassie was super excited to see the new joke shop and she could tell Sirius was too, they both loved to pull pranks especially on each other. There was a time when Cassie put hair dye in his shampoo bottle and his hair turned a vibrant hot pink which took weeks to get out, thankfully he didn't stay mad for too long.

They went in to the joke shop and bought a load of Dungbombs and lots more prancing supplies. They filled their bags to the brim before they were satisfied and left. They walked down the street examining and admiring the items they both, while trying to not be to late for their mum and dad.

By the time they ended up getting back to their mum and dad they were already five minutes late.

"Where have you two been, and what's this? I thought I said no more pranking." Cassie's mum said noticing their bags. They stood in silence while she scolded them but neither were taking any notice, Sirius just stood there clearly in a daze.

When their mother finally finished they headed home.

Time Skip

Once home Cassie went to pack her trunk straight away, she couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts and leave this house "Finally, I'm going to Hogwarts" She thought to herself. She grabbed her trunk and threw all her clothes she would need into it then piled all her supplies in, she was never one for being neat. After everything was in her trunk she had to sit on it so it would close. "I wonder what house I'll be in, I'm not sure if I really want to be in Slytherin but if I'm not my family will hate me more than they already do" She pondered on this thought for a while until her father called her for dinner.


A/N: Hey guys, hope you like the story so far let me know what you think. Also don't forget to vote and comment, it's always appreciated.



Cassiopeia Black, Sirius Black's twin sister (Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now