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  POV Cassiopeia                                    

Cassie woke just as the sun started to shine through the window.

She lay in her bed for a few moments before she remember what day it was. 'Its finally Christmas."  Cassie kept out of bed grabbed her gifts she had got for her friends and ran downstairs.

Once she got into the sitting room she found that James and Sirius were barely holding it together while Remus sat reading beside them. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Cassie yelled as she ran at them with full speed. Before they had time to react. Cassie had pounced on them, "Merry Christmas to you to Cassie." They all said though muffled under her weight.

Once Cassie got off and they were able to stand Cassie pulled them into a proper hug. "So can we open presents now?" James begged, "I suppose we should wait for Peter but who knows how long he'll sleep for." So all four got their gifts ready to exchange and sat down. "Here you go James to help you with that plan of yours." Cassie said with a wink as she handed him the wrapped gift. It was a broom care kit and the latest edition of The Quidditch Times. "And here's yours Cassie." James gave her a small box, inside was a necklace with a small gold snitch on it. "Thanks James, its so pretty." Next she gave Remus his gifts, she got him two muggle books and  a Gryffindor scarf. "Thanks Cassie." He said gratefully with a smile. He gave her a notebook with a floral design and little gemstones on it. Last was Sirius, she got him a comb that changes your hair colour each time you use it and a little solar system display with the planets orbiting around and shooting stars.

Later on when everyone was dressed had breakfast and Peter had woken up and got his gifts the five young wizards made there way towards the quidditch shed.

All five got out their brooms and flew up while James got the chest.

While they were waiting Cassie looked over and saw Sirius trying to help Peter stay on his broom without going upside down. After a good few minutes Sirius gave up and flew away while Peter was still left struggling to stay on.  

A/N: Found this draft I never published, I dont think I'll continue writing this so I'm going to publish this last chapter. Thanks to everyone who's read and enjoyed this.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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Cassiopeia Black, Sirius Black's twin sister (Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now