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*Cassiopeia POV*

Cassie woke up early excited for her first day of classes, she went over to her closet and grabbed an outfit she had put out the day before. Cassie got dressed and woke Lily up, "Lily time for breakfast, you have to get up."

"What time is it?" Lily said between a yawn, Cassie checked her watch.

"7:53, now come on, time to get up." She got up and out of bed then went into the bathroom to get dressed. Cassie looked over at the other two girls asleep in bed, she would wake them up but they were never really introduced to each other. "Hey, Lily who are those two girls who share our dorm with?" Cassie asked Lily because she just came out of the bathroom. "Oh that's Alice and Marlene, I thought you knew each other. Any way let's go down for breakfast, shall we?"

Together they left their dorms and went to the Great Hall. They sat down  just as the boys came in, James slid in beside Cassie while Sirius sat on the other side of her and now Lily was squished by James. "Morning Cassie" Sirius and James said.

"Good morning"

"Hello Evans." James said as he looked at Lily, "Potter" she scoffed back at him. "Are we getting our timetables today?" Sirius asked, "Ye, I think so." Cassie told him in reply. Just then Professor McGonagall came down handing out timetables.

"Hey Remus, Cassie can I have your timetables." James asked after he compared his and Sirius'. Cassie gave him hers and leant over to look at Lily's, "Look the only classes we don't have together is History and Care of Magical Creatures." Cassie said as she looked through Lily's.

"Look Cassie me, you and Sirius all have classes together. Remus only has History and Care of Magical Creatures so he'll be with Lily for those and the rest we're together"

After examining their timetables they headed off to their first class which was potions with the Slytherins. They left the Great Hall and went down to the dungeons, it was dark and cold down in the dungeons but Cassie was still excited for her first potions class. They went into the classroom and found Professor Slughorn already at his desk with a potion recipe on the board, "Good morning all of you, now, as you can see here on the board I have the recipe for a cure for boils. All you need to do is get the supplies you need from the store and follow the instructions, now begin."

Cassie look at the board and then got the ingredients from the store, she looked at the board once more then began to crush the snake fangs. Then she put them into her cauldron and turned on the heat. Then she put in her horned slugs and porcupine quills to it then began to stir clockwise.

"Psst...hey Cassie...Cassie"

Cassie looked around for whoever was trying to get her attention and spotted her brother, "What do you want? I'm working here"

"I need help, my potion doesn't look right."

She went over to him to find he wasn't wrong it was the wrong colour and the texture looked lumpy, "What did you do?" She asked him quizzically, "I don't know, that's why I need help." Cassie looked over the instructions and found out what was wrong, "You forgot the horned slugs and you were stirring the wrong way."

"Oh now it makes sense. Thanks."

"No problem." Cassie went back to find that the heat was to low and the potion was the wrong colour but once she adjusted the heat it went back to normal.

Cassie then heard a loud crash and turned to see James had knocked his cauldron when trying to punch Snape for a reason Cassie did not know. "James what did you just do?" She said as she stood on her stool along with everyone else who didn't want holes in their she shoes. "It wasn't on purpose, I was only trying to punch Snivellus." Cassie rolled her eyes at this because he said it as if it was any better.

Cassiopeia Black, Sirius Black's twin sister (Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now