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*Cassiopeia POV*

They had been home for almost a week now, nothing much happened and Cassie spent most her time writing to her friends or doing homework.

She hadn't yet told her parents she was a metamorphmagus, she was to scared of what their reaction would be.

While she was thinking of wether or not she should tell them she heard a loud bang and what sounded like Sirius running up the stairs as Regulus came chasing after him.

"SIRIUS!!GET BACK IM GOING TO TELL MUM!!" Regulus shouted after him.

Cassie sighed as she opened her bedroom door to find that Sirius was just about to knock.

"What have you do..." Cassie tried asking him what happened when he ran into her room and started rummaging through a box under her bed. "Hey!" She said as she came over and pulled the box out of his grasp, "I'm going to ask you two question. One, why are you going through my stuff? Two, what did you do?" Cassie questioned him.

"Well I was trying to find your secret stash of dungbombs and stink pellets and I may or may not have blew a hole through Regulus's door." He told her, just then Regulus came in.

"Looks like I should be leaving now," He said as he made his way towards the door trying to doge passed Regulus. "GET BACK HERE!!" Regulus dashed back out after Sirius once again.

Time Skip

Cassie was down in the dinning room playing a game of exploding snap with Sirius when she heard a tap on the window.

She looked up to see two owls outside the window. Cassie went over and opened it so the owls could fly in. They landed on the table and Sirius untied the letters on each of their legs. There was a letter addressed to Cassie and one to Sirius.

Cassie tore open her letter to see it was from Lily, she was half way through reading it when it was snatched from her hands. Cassie looked up to find that Regulus had taken it and was now reading it. She was quite surprised considering that Regulus was usually nice to her. "Is this that mudblood you keep sending letters to?" Cassie was shocked and angry, how dare he say that about Lily.

"So what if she is muggle born, there's nothing wrong with that." Cassie snapped back at him.

"Well like I said she's a mudblood and mother always tells us not to hang around with those sort."

"STOP CALLING HER THAT!" Cassie screamed, at that moment Sirius jumped up from his seat to break them up and Regulus stumbled backwards.

"What's going on in here?" Walburga asked them as she came in but stoped upon the sight of her daughter.

"Orion come in here now." She said told her husband, he too stopped at the sight of Cassie.

Cassie was to angry to even notice her hair and eyes had changed again until Sirius whispered into her ear. "Cassie came down your eyes and your hair have fiery red." Cassie tried to cool down but it didn't seem to work because her parents left to go talk in private and Regulus was still staring shocked at her hair.

Cassie decided to go back up to her room and calm down there completely forgetting her letter from Lily. She lay down on her bed and dozed off into a dreamless sleep.

Once she woke back up it was nearly 5:30 in the evening, she got up from her bed and sat down at her desk.

She looked into the mirror glad to see her hair was black and her eyes were now grey.

Cassie stood up and went down stairs to the drawing room were Sirius and her father were arguing. She sat down in the chair nearest the window and looked out. When she was bored she often found herself looking out at the passing muggles.

While she was looking at a man running after his papers which were blowing around in the wind her father distrusted her. "So are you also going to the James's house too?" He asked her, she nodded her head and he continued on. "He is a pure blood isn't he?" He queried, "Yes"

"See dad I told you already he is pure blood."

"Okay, whats his family name did you say?"


As Cassie and Sirius watched there father he paused  after hearing Potter. ""

"Yes sorry, em ok that's fine you can go."

He got up and left but not before shouting at Kreacher their house elf and telling him to start making dinner. "For a second I thought he was gonna say no." Sirius said, "What does matter to you, you'd probably go anyway."


Then he stood up and left. Cassie sat alone for a while thinking about Hogwarts and what she would probably be doing right now if she was there. Then she thought about the prank she had played on the Slytherins with James and suddenly felt very mischievous.

She left the drawing room to grab some frog spawn soap from her secret stash op prankish supplies she keeps under a loose floorboard in her room. Knowing that Regulus was already in the bathroom now meant she had to wait for him to come out. Once he did she dashed in and quickly swapped the bars of soap for her frog spawn ones.

Cassie has just finished when she was called for dinner. She quickly put her things away and went into the dinning room.

"Cassie how long have you known you where a metamorphmagus?" Her mother asked with a stern look.

"Um, a while after the sorting..." Cassie replied nervously.

"And why didn't you tell us?"

"Um...well...I..." She trailed of and just shrugged her shoulders.

"Right, ok then." Walburga said as she resumed eating.


A/N: Yes, I know late again and I'm sorry. Anyway I want to give a shoutout to ghgh123ghgh for all their support.
Thank you.



Cassiopeia Black, Sirius Black's twin sister (Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now