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*Cassiopeia POV*

"Cassie wake up." Lily shook her shoulders and tried to get her to get up but Cassie was simply just to tiered to get out of bed. "Go away I'm sleeping, come back when I'm awake. She said groggily in reply, "Come on, breakfast is nearly over." That seemed to do the trick because she sprung out of bed and rushed to get her clothes, "You could've told me." Lily just rolled her eyes, "I'm going to wait in the common room." She left Cassie to get dressed and went down to the common room.

Once Cassie was dressed and had her bags she went down to the common room after Lily, "Ready?" Cassie asked her as she stood up, "Yup, let's go." As they walked down to the Great Hall Cassie thought about something, "Lily, what's your favourite colour?" She asked her, "Um, purple. Why?"

"I want to try something." Cassie told Lily.

Cassie closed her eyes and focused really hard until she heard Lily gasp. "Did it work?" She asked Lily as she opened her eyes, Lily nodded her head still looking at Cassie hair. Cassie looked down to see hair wavy hair was now a light purple in colour, she changed it back to its normal black and they continued towards the Great Hall. They sat down at the end of the table and talked as Cassie piled food onto her plate.

"Morning Cassie" Cassie turned to see Sirius, James, Remus and Peter.

They sat down, Sirius and Peter sitting across from Lily and Cassie while James and Remus sat either side of them. "Good morning dear Evans." James said to Lily merrily, "I'm going to sit with Alice." She whispered to Cassie as she stood up and walked away. Cassie started eating again while James frowned and looked at the food on his plates and began eating as well. "So, What's first?" Cassie asked as she finished her egg, "Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and then I have History of Magic." Remus replied looking at his schedule. "I think we have Astronomy after Herbology." James told her. "Hey, do you guys wanna help me prank the Slytherins tonight?" Cassie asked them as she looked at the Slytherin table, "I'll help and I've got something that will help us get around without getting caught." James said to her, she turned around to face him curios about what he was talking about.

They all got up once they finished eating and headed out onto the school grounds and across to the greenhouses. They were going to be planting bouncing bulbs, which Cassie quickly realised was not as easy as it sounds.

It was hard enough to grab hold of it but once you did it would then wriggle around in your hand until it broke free. Eventually Cassie had successfully planted her bulb and had a looked over at James and Sirius who's bulbs were bouncing all over the place with the boys trying to grab them, Cassie couldn't help but laugh and when Remus had seen what she was laughing at he began to double over with laughter too.

Once James and Sirius had managed to grab hold of their bulbs, they quickly planted them before the got free again. "Phew, that took a while." James said, "Ye and you didn't even help." Sirius added on. "Yeah, but it was pretty funny. The two boys rolled their eyes at her and once class was over they went back inside to go to Astronomy.

Time Skip

Cassie lay in bed waiting until all the girls in her dorm finally went to sleep until she got up and got dressed again. She went down to the common room to find James was not there yet so she took a seat be the fire.

"Cassie" She heard someone behind her call her but when she looked there was no one there, "Cassie," Then the air in front of her started to to glimmer and James appeared, "it's me." He smiled at her while holding up what seemed to be some sparkly liquid thing, "Is that an invisibility cloak?" She asked him, he nodded his head and handed it to her. "This is so cool!" She whispered put it around her and looking down to find her body missing. "Come lets go." Cassie picked up her bag of dungbombs and a little bit of hair dye for Snape's shampoo bottle.

James put the cloak around them and left through the portrait hole, "Who's there? show your self." The fat lady said, but they just continued down to the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was.

They got to the portrait and got the password pretty easily considering it was 'mudblood' Cassie was shocked as to why they would even think of using that word as their password, but then again they are Slytherin. They went in to find Snape, Lucius and a few others where still up. "We can do the dungbombs last" Cassie whispered as quietly as she could so that James could still hear, so they went to the bathroom and found the bottle labels Snape and poured in a little bit of the  hair dye, it was the same one she used on Sirius during the summer. They left the bathroom just as Lucius Malfoy went in, they went back to find Snape in the same position as he was when they left.

Cassie took a few dungbombs out of her bag then handed them to James and took out a few more for herself. They rolled them under the couch and ran out of the portrait and waited outside, they waited until they heard all of the Slytherins that were still awake screamed. Then the two ran back trying to hold in their laughter until they at least got to their common room.

"That was so fun." Cassie said once their laughter died down, "Agreed" James said.

They stayed up and talked until Cassie felt herself drift off to sleep and a blanket being thrown over her. She heard James say goodnight and go up to his dorm before she fell asleep.

Cassiopeia Black, Sirius Black's twin sister (Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now