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*Cassiopeia POV*

Cassie woke with a start, she quite remember what she was dreaming about but what ever it was woke her.

She was about to close her eyes and drift back to sleep when they suddenly shot back open, "I'm going to Hogwarts!" she shouted, she just couldn't contain it she was so excited. She jumped out of her bed and got dressed then she quickly plaited her hair and ran to Sirius' bedroom, Cassie assumed he wasn't up yet because he usually slept in, she knew she was right when she saw his door was closed and she could her him snoring loudly. "Sirius wake up we're going to Hogwarts today, c'mon wake up." She said as she knocked on his door.

"But I'm sleeping."

She heard him reply but only slightly as he said it very quietly. "Get up"

After a few minutes and no reply she opened the door, she grabbed a pillow and launched it at him. "Hey!" He said as he shot up, "No fair" He pouted childishly but got up all the same. She left him to get dressed and went down for breakfast.

Cassie went down to the dinning room and sat down , she looked across at her father who was reading the Daily Prophet but he didn't seem to notice as usual. Regulus came down and sat beside her, "Good morning Cassie."

"Morning Regulus"

Cassie's father then decided to look up from his papers, "Ah, good morning Regulus." He ignored Cassie completely but she didn't care as this was how her and Sirius were treated regularly.

Just as Sirius came down their mother came in with the food, "Hurry now or we'll be late."

"Now we are going to apparate to Kings Cross but you are going to have to make your own way to platform nine and three quarters, got it?" Their mother explained, they nodded but continued eating. Once finished they headed upstairs to get their things, which was only their trunks and their wands because neither were allowed get owls. "I can't wait until we leave here" Cassie said, she did love her family but deep down she felt as if they didn't feel the same. "Yeah, me too. Hopefully we won't get scolded as much as we do here."He replied, "Sirius what if we're sorted into Gryffindor?" Cassie asked him, she felt really worried because as much as she didn't want to be a Slytherin she didn't want her family to hate her even more.

"So what if we're in Gryffindor, we'll still have each other and besides who would want to be a Slytherin" He told her, she smiled but was still worried but she wanted her first day at Hogwarts to be a good one so she decided to forget about it.

They grabbed their trunks and went downstairs to the hall where the rest of the family were waiting, we all hooked arms and apparate to Kings Cross Station. "Okay now grab your trolleys and go."

Once their trunks were on their trolleys their parents disapparated away.

"Come lets get going it's almost eleven"

"Um...Sirius do you know how we get to platform nine and three quarters?" It's true they knew all about Hogwarts but they hadn't even the slightest idea how to get there because their parents never told them.

"Well....no"They looked around but couldn't seem to find away to get there, but then Cassie suddenly saw a boy and his parents run straight through one of the barriers on platform nine. "There, a family just ran through there!" Sirius looked to where she was pointing but looked unsure. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, they went straight through. That must be it right?" Cassie looked at him and he agreed so they went over to the barrier and stood in front of it.

"We'll go on the count of three, 1....2....3!" As soon as Sirius got to three they ran at the barrier. They closed their eyes expecting to hit the wall but they never did, Cassie opened her eyes to find a magnificent scarlet steam engine right in front of her. She stared in amazement until Sirius lightly tapped her on the shoulder and signified that they should get onboard the train.

They clambered on the train and went looking for an empty compartment, they eventually found one and went in, "I'm so excited, I can't wait to see Hogwarts." Cassie said she just couldn't describe the excitement she felt. They chatted for a little while until they heard the compartment door slide open. "Hey, mind if I sit here, can't find anywhere else to sit." A tall boy with hazel eyes and messy hair said, Cassie nodded her head and Sirius said yes so the boy came in and sat beside Cassie.

"I'm James by the way, James Potter."

"Sirius Black" Sirius told James, then he turned to me, "I'm Cassiopeia Black, we're twins" Cassie said gesturing to herself and Sirius. "Nice to meet you Sirius and you to Cassiopeia."

"Thank you, you can call me Cassie if you want" Cassie told James, they just finished when to other boys walked in. "Mind if we sit here it's full everywhere else"

"No problem,"Sirius said to them, "I'm Sirius by the way and this is Cassie and James.

"Thanks, I'm Remus and this is Peter." Remus said, he was also quite tall with brown eyes and sandy brown hair, Peter, on the other hand was small and plump and had the resemblance of a rat.

They talked and chatted and Cassie just knew they were going to be great friends.

Time Skip

As the train grew slower they changed into their robes just as the train pulled to a stop, they hoped out and went over to a lake full of small rowing boats they hoped in one together and went across the lake to Hogwarts.

Cassie thought the Hogwarts express was impressive but when she caught a glimpse of Hogwarts she was completely blown away. "Oh my goodness, it's amazing. All the first years were amazed at the sight of the Hogwarts castle, it was breath taking and soon enough they touched land and all clambered out.

They went inside and was met with a professor who looked quite stern but kind, she gave a quick speech about Hogwarts houses and the sorting before she lead them into the great hall. As Cassie looked around she noticed the ceiling looked like the outside sky, she was too busy admiring the ceiling to notice a stool with a raggedy old hat being placed up ahead. She only realised what was going on when she heard James being called up.

"Potter, James" said the professor who Cassie learned was called McGonagall.

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted.

A few more names, "Black, Sirius"


Sirius seem delighted and ran over to the Gryffindor table and before Cassie knew it she was called up.She slowly made her way to the stool and sat down she felt everyone staring at her as the hat was placed on her head.

"Hmm... lots of loyalty but note quite a Hufflepuff , there's knowledge to but I don't think Ravenclaw is your house....aha lots of bravery and courage I see, I know just where to put you."

"Gryffindor!" The hat yelled and everyone on the Gryffindor table clapped but Sirius, James and Remus clapped the loudest. Cassie was ecstatic, she couldn't believe she was a Gryffindor. She practically skipped over and sat between James and Sirius, they high-fived each other and happily ate the gigantic feast laid out in front of them. Once they ate their fill they followed the prefects to the Gryffindor common room. They talked for a while and then Cassie went up to her dorm who she shared with another girl called Lilly Evans who she met and the feast and two others she didn't know yet.

When she got up she found Lilly reading, "Hello Lilly" Cassie said as she came in, "Hello, where are James, Sirius and Remus gone, weren't you talking to them?"

"Yeah but I decided to come up to the dorm, you know Lilly, James hasn't stopped going on about since the feast." Cassie told her with a smirk, "Ye, well he's just an arrogant toe rag. I simply can't see why you talk to him." Lilly replied, "Relax, you've only know him for a few hours."

"So have you."

They chatted for a little while longer until they went to sleep.

Cassiopeia Black, Sirius Black's twin sister (Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now