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POV Cassiopeia

As the flames died down they felt their feet touch the ground and as Sirius tumbled out of the fireplace Cassie looked around.

They had arrived in what seems to be the Potters living room. It was very elegant yet looked comfortable and cozy. As Sirius stood up from the newly polished floor, which was now covered in soot, they heard feet coming down the hall. When they stopped what they assumed to be James's mother called to him.

"James dear your friends have arrived come down and greet them." As soon as she finished they heard feet thundering down the stairs. Then the door opened and revealed James and his parents.

"Hey Sirius, hi Cassie!" He said excitedly, his father came over and took their trunks and bags. "Well, it's very nice to meet you. I'm James's mother Euphemia and this is his father Fleamont." Cassie stepped out of the fireplace which she realized she was still standing and greeted James's parents. "Thank you for having us Mrs and Mr Potter."

"Thank you dear and by the way you can call me Mia. Now James would you like to show are guests there rooms?" James nodded his head and left, Sirius and Cassie followed after him up the stairs. "Are we the first ones here?" Sirius asked, "Yeah, Remus and Peter aren't coming t'ill six."

"Okay so this is my room here with the snitch engraved on the door. This is your room Sirius, beside mine and this is yours Cassie. They don't really have much other than a bed, desk and a dresser but you can decorate anyway you want them to be. From now on they're yours."

James and Sirius went into Sirius's room and Cassie went into her own. She was so grateful for the Potters, they had only just met them and they already had their own rooms. Cassie was just sitting on her bed looking around when James and Sirius came in. "I completely forgot you could do that." James said, Cassie was slightly confused but then she looked at her hair. It had turned purple, "Yeah, that's still a thing." She said with a shrugged, Cassie got up off her bed and went over to them.

"Do you wanna go play quidditch?" James asked, "Yeah, but won't the muggles see?" Cassie asked him. "No, James's parents put protective spells around the house and its grounds." Sirius told her.

They went out onto the field and got out the chest. James got his own broom, but because Cassie and Sirius didn't have there own, James gave them spare brooms from the shed. They took out the quaffle and started to throw it around. Then James took out the snitch and they took turns trying to see who could catch it first, James won every time. "You'd do Gryffindor good as a seeker James." Cassie said. "Yeah to bad you can't tryout t'ill third year." Sirius added, "What are you thinking? I know that face, your planning something what is it?"

"Well, my dear friend Sirius maybe I won't have to wait for third year to tryout." James replied.

"What does that mean?" Cassie asked him, she knew the answer already. If you were James best friend along with Sirius, Remus and Peter then you'd know too. Just as Sirius was about to ask him another question Fleamont called them in for dinner. They flew down and when their feet touched the ground they hopped off their brooms and put them back in the shed. Cassie helped James put the snitch back in the chest and then carried it back to the shed.

Once in they locked the door and made their way towards the house.

Cassiopeia Black, Sirius Black's twin sister (Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now