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*Cassiopeia POV*

There was only a day left of school before Christmas break, Cassie and Sirius had planned on staying at Hogwarts during the midterm but James has invited them over to his house, so now they were spending Christmas with James and his mum and dad.

Cassie was just writing a letter to her family telling them her and Sirius were going to James' for Christmas. They was going home for the first few days but then for the last week and a bit then they would go over to James's house. Cassie knew they wouldn't reply but she would just tell them anyway when she got home. Cassie finished off her letter and went down to the common room to ask Lily if she could use her owl to send it.

"Lily can I use Pandora to send this letter to my parents?"

"Yes, go ahead." Cassie went back up to her dorm a took Pandora from her cage and told her where to go. She watch Pandora fly away until she went down to the common room.

Because it was a free period Lily and the boys we're all up in the common room playing exploding snap and wizards chess. Lily was just sitting by the fire reading one of her muggle books while trying to ignore James and his endless questions, so Cassie decided to go back up and pack her trunk for tomorrow. Cassie took all of her things she won't need between now and tomorrow morning and put them in her trunk. Once she was all packed up she then just sat down on her bed and read a book of her own.

Time Skip

It was the day of their departure and yet Walburga still hadn't replied to Cassie's owl. It wasn't really that surprising considering she had been quite distant with Sirius and Cassie ever since the sorting. Cassie wasn't really sure wether she should be disappointed or not, after all she did love her Mother and Father.

Cassie got up from her chair that she was sitting in and pushed those thoughts away and went up to the common room. She had packed her trunk the night before so she only had to put a few things into her backpack and then she'd be ready.

Cassie opened the door to find Lily packing last minute things as well, "Have you packed everything yet, we'll be leaving soon you know." Lily told her as Cassie grabbed her bag, "No, not yet but I'm almost ready."

Once the two girls were packed they went down to the common room.

Cassie looked around and found her brother and his usual gang of friends gathered together in the corner, Lily who saw who she was looking at left Cassie and said she was going to find some Slytherin guy called Severus.

"Hey guys." Cassie said as she approached them, she sat down next to Remus as they greeted her back. "Have you heard from mum?" Cassie asked Sirius, he shook his head looking as if he couldn't careless. He went back to his conversation with James so she turned around and talked to Remus.

They were only there for a little bit more before some prefects came around to tell them to get going and that the train would be heading off soon. Cassie separated from the group to get her backpack, her trunk would be brought down to the train for her so she didn't need to bring it with her. She left her dorm and went down to the entrance hall with the rest of the students who were leaving for the Christmas break. She caught up with James and Sirius and stuck with them, "Where's Remus and Peter?" She asked them, "Peter was looking for something he forgot and Remus had to stay behind and help him look for it." James replied.

They all flooded out of the school grounds towards the hogsmeade station to board the train.

Cassie, Sirius, James, Remus and Peter all climbed onto the train, "C'mon let's look for an empty compartment before they fill up." Remus said as they wandered down the corridor looking for an empty compartment. In the end they found one near the very back of the train. Cassie sat next to the window across from Remus and Peter sat next to her. Cassie would have gone with Lily but she didn't like the boys and Cassie, even though she didn't really know him well, wasn't exactly friends with Severus Snape and she was fairly sure that James and Sirius hexed him a couple times when she was with Lily.

Just as James and Sirius took their seats the train slowly started to move. "Wanna play some exploding snap?" Remus asked her, she nodded her head and they began playing. The other three boys decided to stop their conversation to watch them play because every time a card explode Cassie would jump back in her seat and let out a little scream.

Cassie only played exploding snap once or twice with Regulus, so it still gave her a shock whenever it happened.

They spent the rest of the journey chatting and eating sweets until the train slowed to a stop.

"Bye guys, see you at James's." Cassie said as she waved goodbye to the boys while Sirius did the same. "Do you see mum or dad anywhere?" Sirius asked her looking around.

"Nope." She replied.

"SIRIUS, CASSIOPEIA!" Then turned around so fast Cassie was surprised she didn't get whiplashed. "Well that answers your question." She said as she rolled her eyes and made her way over to her parents.


A/N: Hey sorry for not updating in a while hope this makes up for it. Let me know what you think I'd love to her some of your opinions.


Cassiopeia Black, Sirius Black's twin sister (Marauders era)Where stories live. Discover now