Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Both boys were quiet all the way up until they reached the door of Lyv and Gideon's rooms by the infirmary. Lyv had watched them curiously glance over at one another the entire time they walked through the palace, though Elys was mostly fascinated by the palace itself. Of course, he'd probably seem snippets of it through his visions, but Jai had told him all about it and Ayveri itself one night before bed when they were still in Ethran. Not only did it make the little boy want to go even more, but it made Lyv long for the capital city of Dalcaine as well.

When Lyv pushed open the door, Posy was the first one through, flying through the air and excitedly going to her room on the bookshelf in the sitting room. All of her things were still in their proper places, though there was no usual flower in the corner. Lyv had already promised her a new one once they were settled in.

She watched as Elys let go of her hand and walked into the center of the large, open space with both the sitting room and the kitchen. The look he had then was the same he had whenever he was finally in a place where he'd seen in his visions but not in real life. One of fascination and curiosity.

"What do you think?" she asked him.

Elys took a moment to think. "I think I'm gonna like it here."

Lyv couldn't help but laugh as he bounded over to Posy's bookshelf, looking all around her room and at the few books that were on the other shelves. Then he went into the kitchen, looking into every cabinet and even in the fridge, which someone had apparently fully stocked for them with fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, and breads. And not a moment later, he ran down the hallway toward where Lyv and Gideon's rooms were and the small library that was to be his was.

Eamon had been quiet beside her, still clutching onto her hand, but he finally drew up the courage to ask her a question.

"With Elys...why does he have all those scars? Weren't you able to heal him up or was your magic gone like it had been when Destan...?"

Lyv shook her head as she knelt down in front of him, still holding his hand and brushing his hair back with her other. She still couldn't get over how much he'd grown since she last saw him, especially since he looked more and more like Jai and Destan, including that mischievous look in his sapphire eyes and knowing grin.

"What happened to him wasn't able to be fully healed by my magic, but he's in a much better place now with me, even if he still has the scars from his past. Some of those scars were given to him years before I got to him. But trust me, no one else is going to be able to do that to him ever again, not when he's got me, Jai, Gideon, Thia, and everyone else to look after him," she told him, then squeezed his hand gently as she smiled. "I do have a question for you, though. I know you just met, but would you mind showing Elys around the palace? It's a big place and you know how much I got lost when I first got here. You can make him feel like its home, show him all you can do with that sword of yours and teach him a few things yourself, and maybe you both will even make a new friend."

Eamon was smiling even before she finished. "So far, he's quiet...but I like him."

Lyv laughed, rolling her eyes at how untrue that statement was. "Trust me, once he gets to know you, he's anything but quiet."

After kissing his cheek, Eamon ran off to find Elys, who was now apparently in the library. She could hear their hesitant conversation before Elys got excited about seeing one book on the shelf, which got Eamon excited, too, since it was one Jai had read to them both before.

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