Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

"Mother above, you sure do know how to scare us all," Thia breathed in relief as she hugged Lyv. "And don't even get me started on Jai."

"I heard he was a little overbearing," Lyv laughed, breathless, since their slow walk to the Branvon Estate took more out of her than she wanted it to. Having a sword shatter your spine and your chest crushed by magic really took some time to recover from, even after you were healed from the physical wounds. "But I'm all right."

She seemed to be telling everyone that. The only one who knew her real worry over her magic was Jai, who kept hold of her even as Thia held her upright.

"How's Ro?" she asked then. "Jai said his wing..."

"He won't let anyone close to him to take a look, not even me or Jai," Thia explained as the three of them walked toward the dragon quarters. Unlike usual, the doors were closed tight. "Posy's been trying to cheer him up. Even made him a flower crown he's been wearing dutifully all morning, but he's still sulking. Maybe since you're here now, he'll go back to being himself."

"So, my father wasn't even able to get close to see if he could do anything?"

Thia shook her head. "Nope. Erly wouldn't let him close either, that overprotective momma dragon."

"I wish they would, especially since my's..."

Lyv flexed her fingers before balling her hand into a fist. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"It'll come back," she reassured her, rubbing her hand up and down her arm in comfort. "I'm sure Jai's already promised to work with you. All of us will."

Thia let go of her hand so she could go open the sliding doors, letting sunlight go into the darkened cave that was only lit by torches. Erly was snoozing in her usual spot and Roshan was awake, laying down as Posy flew around his head, adjusting the flower crown she put on his head. She was trying to cheer him up, just as Thia and Jai had said, but it didn't seem to be working. Those gray eyes of his were distant...until he saw Lyv standing in the doorway.

He and Posy were going for her then. Posy, being lighter and nimbler, was able to get to her faster, colliding with her cheek as she cried sparkling tears. Lyv reached up to take her in her hands, though Posy just wanted to be close, and kissed the side her of head.

Both Jai and Thia tried to slow Roshan's bounding approach, but there was no stopping him. As soon as he started for her, Lyv tensed up in anticipation, ready for the not so little dragon's cuddles he was obviously needing to get and give. She tried not to fuss too much over the way he held his wings in tightly, not to moving them, even as he barreled into them and made Lyv topple over into the grass.

"Roshan, get off her!" Jai demanded firmly. "You can't just..."

"Oh, stop it. I'm fine!" she told him, even though Roshan's enormous head was practically crushing her. "I'm fine, Ro. See? But I won't be if you poke me in the eye with those spikes of be careful!"

Her dragon's gray eyes looked at every bit of her he could see, even with his head nestled into her stomach. He blew a hot breath into her face, humming in content as Lyv ran her hand along his jawline.

"I told you, I'm fine. Now, what about you?"

Roshan let out a strange hum and whimper, shifting so he could show her his wing, still firm against his back and side.

"Jai and everyone else told me you're not doing good with your wing, huh?"

Another hot breath. A hopeful glint.

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