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When Bucky can't sleep he likes to walk slash stalk around the communal floors checking for intruders, it's ridiculous he knows but it keeps him from laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling and freaking himself out. He pauses hearing the tv in the living room, he frowns a little and then steps into the room, dark except for the glow of the tv which shines onto Sara, who sits with a spoon between her lips and a bowl of ice cream in her lap, her hair pulled up messily on the top of her head and a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Something about it makes her seem....smaller.

"What are you watching?" Bucky asks now standing behind her, Sara jumps a little and looks over her shoulder at him, Bucky is frowning at the tv screen with a mix of worry, disgust and wonder. Sara pulls the spoon from her mouth.

"Dr. Sexy M.D." Sara answers, Bucky looks to her and raises an eyebrow.

"Dr. Sexy?" he asks.

"It's a medical show..."

"So that really happened?" he asks motioning to the screen, she shakes her head and chuckles.

"No. It's a fictional show. I think it's based on a book or something"

"Oh" he watches the scene on the tv. His disgust and worry being edge out for mild fascination.

"Do you want to watch it with me?" She asks patting the couch next to her. He looks to the couch and then to her before nodding a little. Bucky sits next to Sara but places as much space between them as he can, pulling his left arm as close to himself as he can. "You can't tell Tony" she tells Bucky as she looks to him, he glances to her. "Cause he will mock me" Bucky's lip twitches into a sort of smirk.

"It's that bad?" he asks, she snorts.

"No...." he raises an eyebrow, Sara clears her throat. "It's...a guilty pleasure" he looks down and nods before looking to the tv.

"Who's that?" Bucky asks.

"That's Dr. Wang. The sexy but arrogant heart surgeon" Sara answers. Bucky looks to her.

"Sexy?" he asks, she nods.

"Yeah, she is" she answers. "I mean....I would date her" Bucky raises an eyebrow.

"So...you...you like.." Bucky cocks his head. "Women?" she looks to him.

"Are you asking if I am a lesbian?" she asks back.

"Urm....yes" Bucky answers. "Unless....is that offensive? Should I not have asked?"

"No" she smirks at him. "And I'm Bi" she offers, he frowns at her. "Bisexual" she elaborates. "I'm attracted to both women and men"

"Oh" Bucky breathes.

"If they make me happy, why should it matter if they are a man or a woman?" Sara asks, Bucky nods.

"No, that's....true" he agrees. They both look back to the tv, Sara sighs dreamily.

"Oh boy" Sara coos, Bucky looks to her.


"It's him" She tells him.

"Who?" he asks a little alarmed.

"It's him, it's Dr. Sexy" Sara teases, Bucky scoffs a little and leans back, she laughs a little.

"He's not that attractive" Bucky mumbles watching the tv. "He's wearing cowboy boots" Bucky states. "No man looks good in cowboy boots" he argues, Sara smirks and holds out the bowl of ice cream, Bucky takes it without thinking and relaxes slightly into the seat, his eyes trained on the screen. Sara stands. "Where are you going?" Bucky asks looking to her.

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