Chapter 30

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When Ian and I got back to the apartment, I felt like a zombie. I was struggling just to keep my eyes open, and all I wanted to do was dive right into my luxurious bed. Avery and Thomas regarded me with sympathetic nods, as I trudged over to my room. Ian went straight to work on creating the documents we needed, not even looking in any other direction than his computer.

As soon as I closed the door to my room, I stripped myself of all of my clothes, and crawled into the large bed. After only a few minutes of tired groaning, and stretching under the sheets, I was out.

But that was only for a split second...

Suddenly, my eyes shot wide open. Alertness gripped my body, and wasn't going to let go. I quickly sat up from my bed, and stretched my arms. I felt disappointed that I didn't get to relish a good night's sleep for as long as I had wanted. With a few deep breaths, and a couple of moments to collect myself, I hopped off the bed and slipped into a pair of shorts.

"Damn it," I muttered under a breath. "I'm leaving the softest bed in the world."

Judging by the light that was shooting through the edges of the curtains, I guessed that it was already morning. The sound of commotion was emanating from beyond my door. The rest of the crew must have been getting ready. Different breakfast smells started to wrap around my snout, making me hurry towards the door.

"Is that bacon, I smell?" I asked, as I opened the door.

"Yessir," Avery replied, from the kitchen. "It's not breakfast without bacon."

I caught a glimpse of the sizzling bacon that Avery was tending to in the kitchen. She also made tasty looking plate of scrambled eggs. I looked over at Ian, who was reclining his hindpaws on the coffee table. He was flipping through a newspaper, probably grinning at the comic section. Thomas was overlooking the window in his human form. The window was wide open, and I could see half of the city through it.

Thomas looked up at me, and gave me a grin. "He's awake!"

Ian put down his newspaper, and looked up towards the two of us. "Good thing, too. We need to get to the airport in about an hour or so."

Avery brought a plate piled high with bacon, towards the rest of us. As soon as she set it on the table, we all congregated around it, and started to grab at the strips of bacon.

All of us except for Thomas, however...

I glanced back at Thomas, who was still in front of the window. He paced back and forth, as if he were contemplating something deeply. There were many things that were unsettling to Thomas, but this time, it looked like his head was going explode.

"What's wrong?" I asked, as he looked back towards me.

Thomas shook his head, and answered, "I just don't get it."

"Get what?" I inquired.

"Talon...I don't get why Talon hasn't found us yet." Thomas answered, rubbing his fingers through his messed up hair. "I mean...we're not really hiding that well."

"Maybe they're not looking for us," Ian inserted.

Thomas shook his head again, and scratched at the back of his neck. "Talon wanted Hank for something. If he can't get Hank back, then The Wolf is going to be pretty angry. Talon would have people all over the place, searching for us...but they haven't found us yet. Is that just dumb luck?"

"Maybe we just picked the right hotel," I guessed. "Maybe they're not looking for us as hard as you think."

Thomas gave me a stern look. "You know better than that, Hank. If they wanted to, they could be all over us; but they aren't. Does that mean that they're planning a trap?"

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