wat iz titlz enewa?

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A few hours ago Percy and Annabeth were asked to go and retrieve a new half-blood and bring them to camp, while they were gone I just decided to go back to bunker 9 and tinker with a few projects while I wait for the new arrival.

(a few hours later)

I heard a knock on the bunker door followed by a yell

"HEY LEO, WE'VE GOT NEW BLOOD!" I could hear Piper yell,

"I'LL BE THERE IN A SEC!" I answer.

I put down my project and open the door to go follow Piper, as soon as I open the door Piper drags me over to where everyone else is, I could here camper whispering: I heard the newbie was hot!

I pushed through the crowd, people usually move for me because I'm 'one of the seven' so it was pretty easy to get to the front.

The boy was indeed good looking and he was like 1 million feet tall, I walk up to him.

"wow, eres un gigante! (wow, you're a giant!)" I say and was surprised by his answer.

"y Tu Eres muy pequeña! (and you are very tiny!)" he answered back.

"¿eres español? (you are Spanish?)" I ask,

"si soy Cubano(yes, I'm Cuban)"

"cool! now I have a Spanish friend!" I shout.

"haha, yes, I've always wanted to speak Spanish to someone in front of others who don't understand" he answers,

"I think we were meant to meet each other," I say, wiping away a fake tear.

"si" he answers, linking his arm in mine and walking away leaving everyone else shocked by their exchange.

We end up talking and laughing for hours until I ask One question:

"so what was your life like before you got here, we've been talking but I never got your name?" I ask,

"well, my name is Lance, Lance McLain" he answer's turning away slightly, my jaw drops and I stand there for a few seconds before saying:

"like the super cool ninja sharpshooter from THE Voltron!?" I ask excitedly. I saw him turn so fast he could have given himself whiplash and I could see the proud smile forming on his face.

"the one and only" he answers with a smug grin.

"if it's ok to ask, could you tell me about space?" I ask. Instantly I could see his smile falter before he nods and sits down of the ground.

"To be honest, I was scared. I thought I would never be able to see my family again, I thought I could never go back home," he says with a sad smile. I nod to let him continue.

"It was beautiful up there though. All the planets and all the different solar systems we got to explore. We traveled farther than any other human, that was really cool to think about. Everyone was scared, but at least they had something to contribute to the team, Pidge was the tech genius, Hunk is an amazing mechanic, Shiro was our leader, he would make plans, Allura knew everything about different places, Coran was the wise old guy, oh and Keith was the most annoyingly amazing person I have ever met, he is super good with a sword and is half alien, he's super moody though. I didn't really feel like I was doing enough. Sometimes I would just feel like the 7th wheel."

"I know what that's like, to be the seventh wheel," I interject, then I nod again to let him continue.

"and sometimes I would feel like I just couldn't do anything right, I felt as if the other paladins only coped with me because I was a paladin. I died, and no-one even cared, Allura brought me back to life, I loved her but she sacrificed herself to save everyone, we would all be dead right now if it weren't for her bravery. she's the one who gave me these." he says pointing to the blue things under her eyes.

After that, we heard a horn blow so we made our way to the dining pavilion for dinner. Lance sat with me and my cabin for the time being. we scraped half our food into the fire and Lance did the same with a confused look on his face. After dinner, and after the sing-along we were about to head back to our cabins before curfew, everyone could see a blue glow, we all turned to Lance and saw a blue trident above his head, we all bowed and Percy looked over with wide eyes and shouted

"hail Lance, son of Poseidon!"

(A/N) Cliff hanger! lol sorry, just to clear things up if your confused, in this Lance's dad 'died' and his mother re married , so in this, lance has a different father to the rest of his siblings.

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