Hi, im back to actually writing!!

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Percy POV

I could hear people outside my cabin door, so I did the responsible thing and walked over to listen to them.
'Shhhhh Percy is asleep' I could here. That voice was lance, but who was he with. They didn't talk for very long. I could hear the door open a little bit, so I quickly ran to my bed and sat on it, crossing my legs. Lance walks in and is shocked to see me awake.
"So, who were you talking to?" I ask with a smirk, I could see him blush,
"Y-you're still awake?" He answers,
"You gonna tell me who that was?" I keep on topic,
"Keith, Keith Kogane, apparently he's half god as well!" He answers with a soft smile, I know that smile.
"You like him don't you?" I ask with raised eyebrows,
"NO! I mean, I don't know? I feel weird around him, and haven't felt this way since..." he stops and I could see the sadness in his face,
"Since Allura?" I answer for him,
"You love him, just give him a chance" I say,
He laughs "I'm meant to be the older brother!"
"Yeah well my PTSD isn't as bad as yours so" I answer with a sad smile.
He huffs "yeah I guess, but thanks Percy, you are a good brother". After lance finished gushing about how amazing Keith is, we went to sleep, but no sleep is peaceful for a half-blood.

(A/N) sorry for the short chapter!

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