I can't title

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(A/N) Sorry for not writing while, I am currently in the library, I'm supposed to be studying but I realized that I have nothing to study, so that's why I'm writing now. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Lance POV

It was late at night and I was lying awake on my bunk. I decided to go outside for a walk, people warned me about the harpies, all I need to do is not get caught right? I walk outside.
I was walking by the late when I saw someone, I quickly hid behind a nearby rock,

"I know your there, come out!" the strange man says, he sounds oddly familiar. I stay quiet and wait for him to come to me. I hear footsteps coming closer and closer to the rock I was hiding behind. Then I saw a head look around, the rock, but I couldn't see his face because of the shadows, but obviously, he recognized me because his eyes went wide.
"L-Lance!?" the man says,

"yeah?" I answer back,
"It's me, Keith! I. Am. Your. Friend!" He spells it out for me, but I'm too shocked to answer straight away.

"Keith? What are you doing here?!" I answer.
" well, apparently I'm a half-blood?" He says, almost un sure of himself.

"Really?! Me too!" I say and spring up to my feet excitedly, then I see the look on Keith's face and calm myself down.

"Why do you look so mad?" I ask innocently,
"You haven't talked to the others in TWO months! I came home, and the first thing I hear is that the one I care for the most had been missing for two months! So, yes, I am really mad!" Keith yells out in one breath. I stood there shocked,

" w-what do you mean by 'care for the most?'" I ask, blushing.

(A/N) heyo!! It's me, the author. I'm not sorry for the cliffhanger, *evil laugh* but I do hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Love, meg

After the war. ¡DISCONTINUED!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz