This is all legit fluff, your welcome!

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Keith POV

Shit, I didn't mean to say that, what do I do now?! I could feel heat build up in my face.
"W-what do you mean 'care for the most'?" He asks suspiciously, and I mentally slap myself for thinking that he looked cute when he was stuttering.
"Uhh" I say intelligently, we'll shit I guess it's time confess,
"Uhhh, Lance I, um" I take a deep breath and open my mouth. "I like you, like more that just a friend, I like, like you. I might even love you, but I don't know, I'm still trying to figure this out for myself." I say and I can feel the weight get lifted of my shoulders. I face Lance to see how he'll react, and what I see made me mentally scream at how a human could possibly be so cute! Lance is a full on blushing mess, his whole face has a red tint and he looks down in embarrassment.
" I don't know if I like you that way, but it would mean a lot if you didn't give up on me just yet?" He finally says, I look into his blue eyes and smile,
"I will wait forever if it means you would like me back" I say, and as soon as I say it I realise how cheesy it sounded, I blush but don't look away. Lance gets even redder, but he does something unexpected.
Suddenly I have forgotten how to breath, because Lance McLain is hugging me! Fuck what do I do?! I slowly place my arms around his back and as if it were totally natural, I places my nose in the crook of his neck, I could feel him tense then relax and we just stay there for a while.

After about 3 minutes of hugging, I hear a screech and look up to see a harpie running towards us, Lance notices it as well and we start running and laughing at the same time. We get to the Poseidon cabin and Lance and I stand in front of the door, I was about to say something when Lance puts his finger to my lips,
"Shhhhh, Percy is probably asleep" Lance whispers.
I mouth a 'oh' and gather all my courage to lean down and kiss him of the cheek,
"Good night Lance" I whisper. Lance is really flushed, and it's adorable,
"Night Keith" Lance whispers back, I walk away smirking at my victory. Maybe camp won't be so bad after all?

(A/N) your welcome, this is one of the main fluff scenes, hope you enjoyed!!
Ta, ta my klance children!

*me editing* still my favourite chapter ☺️👌

After the war. ¡DISCONTINUED!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن