Wrote half of this in a airport

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(A/N) sorry if this is bad, sorry the last chapter was short
Love you guys

Pidge POV
So... I'm a half-blood, I've heard about the Athena kids, they're all really smart, and It would be awesome to be the daughter of either Athena or Hephaestus because they are really good with mechanics, but I guess I'll figure it out tomorrow, I shouldn't have to worry about it now, I mean I only just got here!

(Time slip cause I'm lazy/ the next day)

I woke up and and found that I wasn't at home, it wasn't a dream.
Something I did know before I went to sleep is that Keith came back late, and with a big stupid smile on his face, I know what that means.
"Lance is here isn't he?" I ask, already knowing the answer, Keith looks at me and has shock written all over his face,
"How did you know?"
"Well, you came in with a big love struck smile on your face, and I know that look is only reserved for one person, that person being Lance McLain." I say in one breath. Keith goes bright red and starts mumbling about how its ridiculous and how he has no attraction towards lance,
"Shush, I know you like lance, it's so obvious so stop trying to hide it and let me help you!" I whisper shout at him.
"'Sigh' ok fine, I like lance, and he knows I like him and he said that he doesn't know if he likes me back and asked if I could give him time to figure out his feelings then we had a romantic walk back to his cabin and I kissed his cheek to say goodbye then walked here." He says all in one breath.
"Wow" is all I can say
"Wow indeed" he answers "please help me I think I'm going insane"
"What are friends for? Of course I'll help you dummy!" I answer and smirk.

After the war. ¡DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now