legit can't write titles lol

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Keith POV

It's been about a month since I left eath for this mission, I thought it would take longer but it turns out the mission was exaggerated and didn't take long at all. Because the mission didn't take long, it also means I get to go back to earth to visit all my friends, I did hear from Pidge while I was in space, she told me what was going on with everyone's lives, except for Lance, apparently, no-one had heard from him for about 2 months, this made me worry. What if he's dead? What if I've been neglecting him and he ran away? This was my thought process, I've known that I liked Lance for ages now, but Lance loved Allura, the thought still hurts.

(time skip// back at earth)

Our ship landed at the Garrison and I could see Pidge waiting for me, I could also see Shiro and his husband Curtis walking over to where Pidge was waiting. As soon as I got out of the ship Pidge and Shiro ran towards me a hugged me so hard I could barely breathe.

"Guys, I was only gone for a month!" I say giggling,

"I know, but we missed you!" Pidge coo's in my ear. Pidge is like a little sister to me.

"You're back early," Shiro says with a hint of confusion,

"oh, do you want me to go back up to space for another month?" I say jokingly,

"NO!" they both yell in unison, I laugh. we all walk into the garrison to tell others of the successful mission, which was to help a few cities restock on supplies.

After we finished talking to the higher-ups, I asked the one thing that was crowding my mind.

"so, you still haven't heard from Lance?" I ask and I could see their smiles falter.

"No, we haven't heard from him, we went to his farm to check up on him, but he wasn't there. We asked his family, they said they weren't allowed to tell anyone where he was" Pidge explains.

I could feel anger rising, why wouldn't they tell us where he was? I could see Pidge and Shiro were just as mad as I was, so I changed the subject.

"so pidge, how's Chip going? (If you don't remember who chip is read notes at the end of the chapter)" I ask, I could see her face light up.

"He's learned so much about everything and he follows me everywhere, helping me out with my projects." she fangirls for a while about her robot and it completely shifts the mood.

(time skip//at home having a sleepover with Pidge)

Pidge and I decided we needed to catch up, so we wanted to have a sleepover, we used my house, yes, I do mean the shack in the desert.

Pidge and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie on my laptop when I heard a loud bang coming from outside, Pidge and I look at each other and grab a weapon each (I grabbed my sword and Pidge grabbed a baseball bat). we carefully walked around to the front door and opened it. we couldn't believe what we saw.

(A/N) HA! a cliffhanger, sorry lol.

So if you don't remember Chip from season 8/ or if you haven't watched season 8 (if you haven't you shouldn't read this), Chip it the robot that Pidge and Matt made after defeating Honerva. We hardly got any love for Chip after s8 so I'm here to change that.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Love, Meg

After the war. ¡DISCONTINUED!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant