Thank you guys so much!❤️❤️

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Um, wat?! 105 views!! Thank you so much for reading this far! I love you guys so much!
Enjoy this chapter!


When I saved Calypso, and flew back to camp, Calypso ran away. I think she wanted to explore without being held back by my problems. I've been abandoned again.

Ever since Lance got here, I've been a lot happier, he is Spanish like me, and is funny and joyful, he's like a taller version of me, well more like I'm a shorter version of him, since he's older than me. But if he's the same as me, then that means he hides his emotions behind a jokesters mask. No, that can't be true, can it? Ugh, I need to focus! What was I doing again? Why brain? Why must you do this to me?

It's late at night and I'm still awake, I haven't been able to sleep for a while, so I've kinda given up with the whole 'sleep' concept. I was tinkering with a few pieces of metal and ended making the first thing that comes to mind, Calypso, I made a tiny statue of Calypso. I cried, now don't think of me as a wimp, I don't ever cry, this is the first time in over 8 years that I have cried. I think the sleep deprivation was getting to me, because there I was, bawling my eyes out, on the floor of bunker 9.

(A/N) sorry this is really short, I will try to add more to it tomorrow. I was depriving you of this chapter. I've been really busy with essays and test from school, but it's a weekend, so I'll try to write as much as I can.
Love you guys

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