Chapter Three

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After Biology Jim and Sherlock had Maths.
Sherlock left Biology quickly, not used to waiting for anyone and was shocked when Jim almost easily matched his pace. 'So Sherl, you got maths too?' Sherlock rolled his theatrically, 'Yes, James, as I said before, we're in the same sets.' Jim chuckled.

As they walked someone bumped Sherlock's shoulder. 'Watch it faggot.' the boy, Phillip Anderson, yelled. a few passing students laughed. Sherlock ducked his head but made to keep walking. 'Hey, aren't you going to say sorry?' Phillip Yelled after him. Jim turned on his heal. 'Aren't you, Anderson?' A few people snickered and Phillips face reddened. 'What did you say to me?' He snarled at Jim. 'Oh so you're deaf as well as stupid? i'll dumb this down then. Apologise to Sherlock.' 'Honestly just leave it Jim, it's fine.' Sherlock stepped forward, grabbing Jim by his, surprisingly muscular, upper arm. Jim turned to look at Sherlock. By this point Phillip had regained some of his cool. 'Yeah Jimmy listen to your boyfriend.' this gained a few laughs from the crowd of students that had gathered.

Jim had his back to Phillip and was facing Sherlock. 'You know i really wanted to go my first day without a fight' he said. Smoothly he spun on his heal, and sharply punched Phillip in the chin, sending him sprawling onto his back. 'Do me a favour Anderson and fuck off.' He snarled, wiping Phillips blood off his knuckles. The corridor was filled with a stunned silence until the clacking of high heals filled the air.

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