Chapter Twenty One

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Jim didn't know what to do, what to say. So he did nothing; he stood still, silent, in the hallway of the Holmes' house. "Jim.." Mrs Hudson put her arms around the boy and that was enough. He collapsed onto her shoulder, tears instantly soaking her cardigan.

The Holmes' house had always been quite, but now more than ever. Who would have thought Sherlock Holmes would have been the life of the house, but now without him it felt even more empty and bare. Mycroft had decided to tell Jim Moriarty the news himself. He new he wouldn't take it well, why should he. This was the kind of news that would break any young mans heart. His friend, if Sherlock and Jim were even friends in those final hours at Irene's party. Ex-friends? Two boys who knew each other well but perhaps did not know each other at all. Well however they ended things, and ended would be the appropriate word. For Sherlock Holmes was dead.

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