dreams come true

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Desiree's POV
One day I got home from school and saw a big envelope from UCLA I was so excited so I called me parents and opened it in front of them and saw that I was accepted into my dream school since I was a little girl. My family was so happy that we decided to go celebrate. I haven't told Alex yet because I'd rather tell him in person. At dinner, my parents were asking me what id plan to major in. I told them
I was in between because I haven't even exactly decided. I know I want to join the softball team it's always been a dream of mine. That and when I actually graduate from college. I'm hoping that once I make a living for myself I can repay my parents for everything they did to give me the life I have.
I don't think college will be that bad but I'm also nervous for college. Once my family and I were done with dinner I texted Alex if I could come over. I walked in kissed him, asked him how his day was then I told him I got in to UCLA. He pulled out a a big envelope just like mine and we both got excited and he opened the envelope and you could see the instant excitement on his face and that made me
More excited for him. We hugged and then I gave him a kiss, it grew longer and more passionate he slowly pushed me on the bed while kissing me. I took his shirt off then he took mine off and we spent the night together.
Hey guys I know some of you guys probably aren't interested in this book anymore so I'm really trying to move on with the book to the future so the next chapter will be 2 years later which Alex and Desiree will already be in college. thank you so much for 4K reads but please tell me if you think there is something I need to fix I'm open to constructive criticism. Love you guys!

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