The dream

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Alex's POV
Me and Desiree fell asleep and I had a dream we're I woke up and went downstairs and I see Desiree making breakfast and I see her walk to the table and there's a baby and she's feeding the baby and I go next her while I look at the baby and it's a beautiful baby girl and I look at her and she smiles. Then I get a peice of bacon while I give Desiree a kiss then my baby a kiss and i get in a car and as soon as I close the car door I wake up. I woke up and while me and Desiree go get breakfast  we're eating and I tell her about my dream and she just smiles and says "I've had dreams like that too alex."
"really" I asked
she said "yes and I've been thinking this is our last year in college and if you ready i wanna try to have a baby."
"Are you serious babe?!" I asked in excitement
"Yes baby after graduation let's start trying!" Des replied
I gave her a hug and peck on the lips and told her I loved her.

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