0.9| Tragedy...

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[Still Sohee's POV:]

"I choose... The second choice... Mark and I will kill her best friends..." I said.

Mark: "N-noona..."

"Just obey... I'm the leader of this gang. You should listen to me..." I said.

I saw Mark's teary eyes looking at me... His eyes were full of anger and sadness... But I ignored it...

"We will continue the plan... Kidnap Sooyoung and Jennie... Then, Mark will kill one of them and I'll kill the other one..." I said.

-At home-

Seolhyun's POV:
We are now done with our project...

Jennie/Sooyoung: "Seolhyun-ah.. We will get going..."

"You sure you can go home by yourselves? Just text me when you get home.." I said.

Both: "Arraso!"

Sooyoung's POV:
Jennie and I were walking along the dark road... We were in the middle of the road... Then everything went black...

<<time skip>>

I woke up... Jennie also regained consciousness... I saw Jennie kneeling at the floor beside me... We saw people surrounding us... We saw the guys who bullied Eunha and Yuju...

We saw the girls that bullied Seolhyun before... I looked around and was shocked to see two people that were very important to Seolhyun...

Mark and Sohee unnie...

Seolhyun's POV:
I went inside the house where Mark and his hyungs live... I saw a hidden ladder leading to the basement... BTW, I went there after Taeyeon told me that Sooyoung and Jennie is missing...

I tracked their phones and I saw this place... I don't know how to get in secretly... But then I heard familiar voices...

Jennie: "S-sohee unnie... M-mark... Why are we here?! Why are you doing this?!

Sohee: "Mark... Go ahead and kill her."

Jennie: "M-mark... I know you won't do this to me and Sooyoung...

I finally got inside the basement using the hidden ladder... The basement was wide... I don't know where they really are... I continued walking by following the voices I heard...

Then I heard a gunshot and a shout...

Sooyoung: "Jennie-ah!"

"Jennie-ah! Sooyoung-ah!" I shouted along...

Then I saw them all... I saw Mark holding the gun... As soon as he saw me... He dropped it... I saw Sooyoung beside Jennie, crying. Then I saw Sohee unnie?!...

I can't believe what I saw... BTW, I brought the police with me right now... I didn't get to go to Jennie's dead body and to Sooyoung, which is crying right now... Instead, everything went black...


Last chapter is next...

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