C H A P T E R •1•

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My feet smack the ground as I sprint to my fifth period, photography. I slow down to a walk as I reached the classroom  and make my way to my seat in the back corner of the room. I sit down, briefly doing nothing as I try to calm my heavy breathing down.

     I pull out my phone, waiting for my teacher to show up, and open a photo editing app. I pick out a photo that I had taken over the weekend that hadn't been edited yet and get to work. Voices soon fill the room as the other students enter the room. Several minutes pass before I hear the voice of my teacher, Mr. Aizawa, as he enters the classroom.

"Alright class, as you know spring break is coming up, but that doesn't mean you won't still have work to do," He spoke in a tired tone. "You will be working in pairs with the person right next to you. You will spend the entire break with your partner working on this project."

I look over to my left to see Todoroki. I feel my heart speed up in a panic. 'I have to spend the entire spring break with the coolest (and cutest) guy in school? I don't know if I can handle that.' I think as I mumble to myself for what seems like hours, but was merely a minute or so, before my thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Aizawa giving us the rest of the directions.

"Since you all are in rows of four there should be two groups per row. The person on the right hand side of each pair will be the photographer, the person to the left will be the person getting photographed otherwise known as the 'model'. This project will be due as soon as you get back from break. Now get with your partners and discuss your plans." He instructed before laying his head on his desk to nap before his next class.

Todoroki turns in his desk to face me and I do the same. We sit silently for several minutes, the only sounds we hear are the chatter of our classmates and the slight buzzing coming from the clock overhead before he breaks the silence between us.

"So, how are you wanting to do this?" He asks, looking up at me.

"Well we have to spend the break together right? Well I think the best way to do that is if one of us stayed at the others place, but if that doesn't work out, we would need to get together as often as we can," I begin to mutter to myself rather than actually talking to Todoroki.

He sits there, waiting patiently for several minutes before clearing his throat and speaking. "Midoriya," he says loud enough to gain my attention. I jump slightly before apologizing to him for not paying attention and for mumbling so much. He shakes his head before replying.

"Midoriya, you're the photographer here, we should do whatever makes you feel more comfortable, although I do agree that we should stay together at one of our homes if it helps with the project."

I nod my head before speaking, "We could stay at my house if that's okay with you? There are some really nice places we could take pictures at near where I live." He sits for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, before nodding his head.


     I nod my head before grabbing a sticky note out of my backpack and writing down my cell phone number for him. I hand the little piece of paper to him.

     "In case you need anything before spring break," I say right as the bell rings before sprinting out of the room and sprinting out the door to go home.

My cheeks burn as I sprint out of the school. 'I can't believe I actually gave him my number. I mean it was only so we could work on this project but still...' I think to myself, slowing to a walk as I reach the front gates of the school.

     I walk for several minutes before stopping and letting out a shriek. 'TODOROKI AND I ARE GOING TO BE STAYING TOGETHER OVER THE BREAK!' I start to panic, thinking of everything I'll need to do to get ready, even though spring break is at the end of the week. I'll have to clean up my room, do my laundry, back up my photos to make room for the ones I'll be taking over the break, and probably a lot more.

     I walk another few minutes, passing by trees, flowers, homes, cars, and even a little stream with a family of ducks swimming by. I smile to myself as I walk up the pathway to my apartment building. I go up the stairs and make my way to my front door. I twist the doorknob and the door opens revealing the hallway leading to my dining room.

"Mom, I'm home," I call out to my mother, who was in the kitchen I assumed as sounds of pots and pans clanging filled my ears along with moms humming to the radio. I walk to my room and set my stuff down before going to the kitchen.

"Hello Izuku, how was school today?" She asks me, rummaging through the cupboards looking for the ingredients to make dinner.

"It was good, I have a project in photography over the break" I answer, before explaining the details to her about how I'd have a partner that may stay here while we work on it and what all we'd have to do. She nods her head as I speak, clarifying that she was okay with Todoroki coming over.

     "Okay Izu, go do your homework, I'll let you know when dinner is ready," she instructs as she turns on the oven. I nod and walk to my room, pulling a notepad out of my bag and beginning to write down some ideas for pictures

Photo Ideas
- smile (duh)
- in the rain
- unsuspecting
- breakfast time
- music
- sleepy
- casual
- relaxed
- creek (take him to the special creek)
- soft boy

I set my pencil down, stretching my hand that was beginning to get sore from the writing. I sit back and pull out my phone, going through my camera roll and backing up any photos that may be there before deleting them so I have some storage available.

"IZUKU, DINNER!" My mother yells from the dining room. I close my phone and leave it on my desk as I walk down the hall to the kitchen.  I make my way to the seat in front of where mom is sat down and take a seat.

     "itadakimasu," (I greatly receive) we say in unison before eating dinner, which was a simple udon soup mom makes usually before she goes to work.  We eat rather quickly, but it wasn't rushed.

     "Gochisosama deshita," (thank you for the meal) we say before we both get up, pushing our chairs in, I grab the dishes to wash while mom goes to get ready for work.  She works the night shift at a local hotel, it isn't much but it's perfect for just the two of us.

    I walk her out the door before locking the door behind her, going back to my room and finishing my homework for my other classes. I finally finish about 30 or so minutes later and decide to get ready for bed. I change out of my day clothes and put on a white t-shirt that was a bit big and a pair of black basketball shorts. I walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth before crawling into bed, letting the peacefulness of sleep overtake me.
Hi! Welcome to my first tododeku fic, if you see any mistakes let me know. I haven't really went through and edited everything yet so I'd really appreciate it if you bring it to my attention. Also I know some of the characters in this story may be a bit ooc but it is an AU after all. Sorry if this chapter is short, I'll try to make future chapters longer. Anyways that's all I have for now. Enjoy!

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