Chapter 4

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Minnie rushed towards the Garrison behind Ada, by the sound of it Freddie had gone to find Tommy and it might not end well. They went inside the pub and Ada spoke to Grace.

"Have you seen Freddie Thorne?" She moved to the back of the pub, out of the way of the locals. "I need to find Freddie." Grace came over with a glass of water as Ada looked pretty stressed out. Minnie put a hand on her arm which she shrugged off.

"Here, drink this first." She was handed the drink but she shook her head, moaning slightly and holding her bulging stomach.

"No, I have to find them. I think they're going to kill each other." 

"Wait, who's going to kill who?" Minnie rolled her eyes and got Ada to sit down.

"Don't worry Ada, I'm sure it wouldn't go that far. Let's just wait for them." It calmed her down for a bit, but she was having pains and Minnie was worried until finally they settled.

They found out in the end that Freddie had spoken to Tommy and that was it, there was no violence and everything was generally okay. Ada went off to find Freddie and Minnie went home, her father wasn't back though. He didn't get back until dark.

Minnie was sat on the sofa with Polly and a sleeping Finn when the door opened and Tommy walked in. Polly shushed him and he took out a wad of money from his jacket before speaking quietly.

"Freddie didn't want your money. Now the coppers are sayin' if we don't turn Freddie in, they'll put Ada on the arrest warrant as well. That's what your compassion get's ya Pol. From now on we do it my way." Polly glared at him before answering. 

"Or what?" Tommy didn't answer, he just stood and left the room to go upstairs. "Your father is a nightmare Minnie."

"Got that right Polly. Goodnight." She kissed Polly's cheek and then went up to bed as well, seeing her father smoking that pipe again through the crack in his door.

"Go to bed Minnie." She heard him say and she ignored him before going into his room.

"Do I get to go to the races tomorrow as well?" He frowned slightly at her.

"No, why would you?" As if it was obvious to her.

"Why can't I?"

"Your too young for a start. It's men's business, we aren't going to be sittin' around enjoying ourselves." She scowled at him and crossed her arms.

"Fine. I'll just sit here all day doing nothin'. Don't expect me to work in the shop tomorrow." She turned to leave and grabbed the door. "You need to stop smoking that rubbish." She added before slamming it shut and going to bed.


They all got ready for the races the next morning, all in nice new suits. Even Finn was dressed in a little suit. Why did he get to go?

"See ya later girls." John said and Minnie just waved, still annoyed that she wasn't allowed to go with them. So what if it was 'men's business', she could easily have stayed out of their way.

"Come on then, let's get this shop sorted before everyone arrives."

"I told dad last night, I'm not working today." She spoke to Polly who raised an eyebrow at her.

"Is that right?" 

"It is yes. I'm going to go to town I think." Polly just laughed at her and started messing with some paperwork on the table as Tommy entered the room looking all smart.

"I heard your taking your fancy woman to the races."

"It's business Minnie. She's goin' for a reason." Then he looked at his aunt. "Make sure she doesn't leave this 'ouse today until i'm back. I'll try to be back around 3."

Minnie Rose ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now