Chapter 6

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Everyone was discussing the days plan as Minnie sat with Ada and the baby.

"He's growing so quickly." Minnie grinned as she rocked him in her arms.

"He is, isn't he. He's such a good baby." Ada smiled and Polly stuck her head through the door as it opened.

"Come on." She whispered and Ada gently took the baby before standing. They both walked through the door.

"I'd like to introduce the newest member of the Shelby clan." Polly announced.

All the men began clapping as Ada made her way to the front of the room, where Tommy stood.

"Welcome home Ada." Tommy greeted with a nod.

"We named him Karl, after Karl Marx."

"Karl bloody Marx. Let me get a look at him." Arthur walked over to them.

"Oh here we go." John laughed as Arthur took Karl and put a hcap on him.

"Hey look, he looks just like me." Minnie laughed along with the others as Karl was held in the air.

"That's his arse that looks like you Arthur." John remarked and Minnie slapped his arm with a laugh and John messed her hair up.

"He's alright. He's a Shelby." They all gathered around baby Karl and passed him around so everyone could hold him.

One the plan was thoroughly sorted Tommy insisted they all go to the pub for a drink. One pint and a chaser only he said.

Minnie grabbed a drink of water and moved off into the side room when they got there. The men were being very rowdy and she didn't like that sometimes. 

She looked up as the door creaked open, in walked John holding a whiskey.

"What are you doin in 'ere?" He asked.

"Just thought i'd go out the way for a bit." She shrugged. John sighed and sat down near her, 

"You've been doin that a lot lately."

"I've had a lot to think about." He carried on staring at her, clearly wanting an answer. She decided she could trust him.

"It's Grace."

"Min, whatever you have against her no one knows. But Tommy is happy again." She shook her head at him.

"That's the problem John. Grace is with the coppers." He just laughed at her and drank his whiskey before standing. "I'm not lying John."

At that moment Tommy banged the door open and pulled Minnie out.

"Quick John, get ready. They are comin 'ere." They both ran to the house and Tommy pushed the door.

"Ada wake up, you and the baby go to the bull ring where there's lots of people." Polly walked in as Ada stood and looked at Tommy's frustrated face.

"What's going on?" She asked and Ada looked just as confused. 

"We've been fuckin betrayed." Tommy huffed and leant against the mantel piece. "Someone let slip. Kimber's men are on their way 'ere." 

"Yeh but you can handle them Tommy." Polly urged and he shook his head. Minnie slumped down into a chair looking scared. These men were coming to kill her family.

"It's just us. All the Lee's are on their way to Worcester. We're outnumbered. Fuck." Be banged a fist against the mantel as Polly looked at him.

"But who else knew today was the day you were moving on Kimber? You said you kept it secret. Who else did you tell?" Polly's face then dawned with realisation at the look in Tommy's eyes. "There's only one thing that can blind a man like you Tommy. Love. It's that barmaid."

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