Chapter 19

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Everyone seemed happy enough when Minnie shared the news. They ended up having a small do in the Garrison to celebrate and even Ada came with Karl up to join them.

Mary couldn't stop marvelling at the ring she had been given and in the end it made Minnie feel a bit awkward and she was tired, so she left earlier than most and went home to rest.

She had driven with her dad four times now and she felt she was getting better. Her driving was more fluid now and her dad wasn't so on egde.

Tommy thought a couple more sessions and she would be able to drive by herself, she couldn't wait for that. She wanted to take Ronny out into the country, get away from Birmingham for at least a few hours.

"I was thinking, maybe we could go on our trip on Saturday?" She leant in close and messed with the top button of Ronny's shirt. "We could come back Sunday, pretend we broke down or something." She kissed his neck lightly but he moved her away.

"I'm sorry Min, Saturdays not good. Lily is coming back from our Aunts."

"What?" Minnie frowned. "Why didn't you tell me?" She sat back in the chair and crossed her arms.

"I'm telling you now. Our aunt won't have her there anymore, says she's a hassle, never wants to do any work. My mother offered for her to come back."

"Great." Minnie groaned. That nightmare of a girl would be back around the streets of Birmingham. Minnie wasn't the same girl as she was when she attacked Lily Jessop, she felt she had matured a bit since then. She was engaged now! She would be starting a family.

The last thing she wanted was that girl getting in the way of that.

"You promise me she won't come between us? I wouldn't be able to stand it." Ronny grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it before hugging her.

"I promise." He spoke, sincerely. "It's just you and me, thats all we need to worry about."

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Life was better. Tommy Shelby was happy and relaxed and that meant the rest of the family were happier and more relaxed too.

No matter how much they may have disliked Grace at some point or another, they had to admit she had brought a sheet of calm across the family.

There were only a few more weeks until Grace hit the 9 month mark and the closer it was, the more excited Minnie got. She was actually going to have a sibling and she had warmed to the idea.

"Minnie?" Grace's head popped in through her doorway and Minnie closed her book and placed it on the side.

"Yes, Grace?"

"I'm going shopping today, baby clothes and other items. I wondered if you would like to join me, perhaps?" Minnie thought for a moment, she knew it would make her dad happier if they got on a bit more, and she did want to be involved with the baby. She found herself nodding.

"Okay. I can come with you." They were ready and out of the door within 20 minutes, walking down the street together on the way to town.

"Minnie, I know we have had our differences and I can't expect you to forgive me for my actions." Grace started as they were walking. Minnie listened, wanting to hear what she had to say. "My father was a Police Officer, he worked with Campbell in Ireland and they were fighting the IRA. A short while before I turned up here, my father was killed by the IRA. I spoke to Campbell and joined him, wanting to try and bring them down. Those guns were a big priority for the Police and when your family came to their attention, I was told to try and get information from you." She lightly placed a hand on Minnie's arm, stopping them as they walked. She turned towards Minnie, a sadness in her features.

Minnie Rose ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now