6. I Got This

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Blue and I are on talking terms now.

I managed to get some one word answers from him now and then. I feel like I'll progress to receiving full sentence responses by next month.

On a sunny Sunday afternoon, I get a call from Harris asking if I want to hang out with the guys in the bar again. I accept the invitation.

In the afternoon, the bar is empty except for us, Mary and a couple of her staff.

I drink hot chocolate – compliments of Mary – while the others have beer.

We are chatting about school, Mary's work and the sorts when Blue gets a call that makes his face turn serious. I think it's the same person who called him before at the restaurant.

He goes out the backdoor of the bar to take the call.

"That bitch is still disturbing him, huh?" Mary says, taking me by surprise by her hostility. Mary is bold and outspoken but I've never heard her cuss before.

"Mary!" utters Asher.

"What? She's a whore who wants to sleep with his fiancé's brother. I don't know what's wrong with Winston's brain, getting engaged to a slut like that," Mary says with a seething anger.

I know Blue has a brother. "Is Winston Blue's brother?" I ask Mary.

"Mary, don't," warns Asher.

"What? she's your friend, right? She'll know one day or another," Mary says to her brother before turning to me.

"Yes, Dayna, Winston is Michael's older brother. His fiancé, the bitch, Ashley, is trying to get into bed with Michael."

My eyebrows frown. "That's awful! Why is Blue even talking to her then? he likes her?"

Mary scoffs. "As if!

"Michael and Winston had already once fought before because of a girl.

"Winston loved her but she liked Michael. Things have been a little sour between the brothers since then.

"Winston's ego took a big hit when the girl he was mad about only had her eyes for Michael, and that too when Michael wasn't even interested in her.

"And, now, with Ashley pulling the same shit as that bitch before, Michael doesn't want Winston to find out.

"She's threatening him that she'll leave Winston saying she loves Michael," Mary says.

"But, it's the truth. She doesn't like Winston. She likes Blue," I tell her.

"Yeah, but Michael is worried that his relationship with his brother will become even worse if Winston finds that out," Mary says.

"It's not Blue's fault," I defend him.

"No honey, it's not. But Winston will think it is."

I don't know what to say. I can understand how hard it must have been for Winston when he found out that the girl he liked likes his brother. And if that was to happen again, how much harder it will be from the last time.

But Blue is still his brother. He shouldn't hate Blue this much, for Blue to be this worried about their relationship.

Blue returns with a somber expression.

"Everything alright?" Mary asks.

"Yeah," he says and returns to his seat.

"I swear, Michael. If you don't put an end to that bitch's blackmailing, I will," Mary says.

"Please, Mary. I got this," he says sternly.

"Do you?" she asks.

"Mary!" shouts Asher to his sister. Mary shrugs and leaves the table.

A gloomy silence prevails on the table before it slowly dissipates on its own as our conversation picks up.

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