Chapter 3

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Sun Hyang 

We've been driving for a couple of hours now, and I'm lost in thought. I received the memo a couple of minutes ago: the appointment has indeed been changed. This didn't come as a surprise: they knew I'd heard the date of their meeting, they had to do something about it. However, I hadn't expected them to set it a week forward. Initially planned for the 2oth February, the appointment would now take place on the fourteenth.

I nervously switched my earpiece on, and called HQ: Agent B immediately picked up.

"Agent X?"

"What did you do with the shooter?"

"For the moment, he's still locked in, after having given us the info."

"The location hasn't changed, it's still Daeseong-dong?"


"Good. Don't let go of him yet, and make people believe he died before we could extract anything from him. I don't want them to modify the date again, we'd have no way of knowing this time."

"Very well, Agent X."

"But keep him close, we could need him at some point in time."

I hung up, thinking hard. I had less than a week to prepare the attack. My plan was simple: find the rendezvous, infiltrate it, and stop the principal actors of North Korean arms trafficking. Said like that, it seems so childishly simple, but it isn't, and the kick I take in the head reminds me back to reality forcefully.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Climbing over the seat, Baekhyun is apparently trying to join me at the front, bored of being all alone at the back. I get distracted for a second, and the car swerves a little. I correct it through gritted teeth: I'm gonna kill that bloke.

With a satisfied grin he sits, and buckles his seatbelt, before staring at me. I switch from looking at the road and back at him again, oblivious of what he wants from me.

"Alright, why are you looking at me like this?"

I bite my lower-lip as I sense the aggressiveness in my tone, completely different from the calm and controlled one I was supposed to be using. My legendary calm is completely weakened in presence of this man who makes me incredibly nervous.

Despite the situation, he doesn't seem the slightest bit impressed or afraid, and I don't possess a tenth of the control I'm supposed to be holding over him. A mischievous smile is the only answer I receive, which only heightens my anxiety.

"What next?"

"What? Oh, sure, what next... In 3.5 kilometres, there'll be a little supermarket, where we'll stop, before we see the hotel. I'll get out, and you, you'll stay here."


I thought he'd shut up, but it seems I don't know him yet:

"What's going on in Daeseong-dong?"

I tense at his question.

"Nothing you need to know about."

"Yet it's part of your mission. Your mission I need to help you in."

"That's not a detail you need to be aware of."

"Come onnnnnnnn... Scarlett..."

I clench my jaw: if he calls me Scarlett once more, he's going out the window.

Suddenly, the sign announcing the exit I needed to take flashes past me, and I violently pull the wheel to turn in time. Baekhyun is abruptly shoved to the side beside, his face all pale. Hands gripping the armrests, he stares right back at the road.

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