Chapter 7

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Sun Hyang

    After a good two hours of Baekhyun chattering and singing, we make it to about a hundred kilometres from the meeting point, where begins the earthen path. I park the car: we'll be going by foot, hidden in the tall grass, and by night – just in case. We never know what we might find, and I'd rather not take any risks.

"I'll go, you stay in the car," I tell Baekhyun as I check my ammunition.

"What? No! I'm coming with you!"

I sigh.

"Baekhyun, it's too dangerous, I can't predict what may happen."

"Exactly! I'm not letting you go on your own!"

"Excuse me?"

He can't be serious, right?

"Baekhyun, I'm a special agent, you're a singer."


"If this operation is dangerous to anyone, it's you. I warn you, I hate being patronised: so stop right now!"

"What? No! I'm not patronising you, I want to be helpful! I can be a vigil, for instance."


I'm not convinced, but I let him tag along, handing him a weapon. Since when have I allowed myself so little caution and professionalism? I'd rather not think about it. I list the rules to him: not a sound, we crouch as much as can in the tall grass, we follow my lead, and most importantly: no jokes. None. This last one makes him laugh, and I really don't like that mischievous smile. I hesitate to lock him in the boot.

We move forward, him behind me, and soon, the outline of a building draws itself against the night sky.

Two-stories high, like a sheet metal cube, a simple warehouse, devoid of any sign. What surprises me is the place seems poorly guarded. I make out two men at the entrance, and in three minutes, only five have been around the cube. There can't only be ten men to secure the place, surely! Unless the rest of the men are presently occupied somewhere else: they could, for example, be on the lookout for a witness to annihilate... For example.

I turn to Baekhyun:

"I need to get in to see what's inside. There's always some sort of opening on the roof in this kind of building, for the aerating – I'm going to climb up that way. The problem is I'm going to need your help: the surface is completely smooth, and there's nothing I can hold on to. You're going to have to give me a leg up, and since I can't leave you out here alone, you're going to have to come in with me."

He nods, completely focused, which is comforting. I take his hand, hoping the darkness hides the flush on my cheeks:

"You remember how we made it out of the hotel? We're going to do the same thing here. I count down, we run, and you don't let go of my hand. We make it to the wall, you give me the leg up, I get in, and hoist you up inside. Once up there, you lower yourself and wait for my instructions. All clear?"

He nods again. He seems confident, but I can't help but worry about him.

"Baekhyun, is everything alright?"

He squeezes my hand, smiles, and gives me a wink. Yes, it's going to be okay.

I turn towards our target again: if I'm right, in about ten seconds, one of the guards will come and walk along the front, then round the corner. Once he rounds it, we run.

The man comes up and, strolling, walks along the wall in sheet metal. I whisper:

"Five, four, three, two..."

INTO MY WORLD (ENG.VER) - [FF EXO]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora