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Sun Hyang

Seoul, South Korea – Three years later.

Four o'clock. After a quick glance into the corridor, I leap out, trying to make as little noise as possible. If I get caught, I am dead meat. The mission fails and I'm done for. Stealthy as a fox, my progress is encouraging. Suddenly, the door appears in front of me: the exit! I'm going to make it!


Jeez, I can't believe it. So close to the exit, too! This mission is a harrowing and shameful defeat. I knew I should've gone by the rooftops! I sigh in exasperation before turning around, a fake smile painted on my features.

"Yes, Mrs. Lim?"

"You're going already? It's only four o'clock. Don't go thinking your promotion to the Renaissance department will allow you to leave whenever the fancy strikes you! This is a museum, not an art gallery held by your typical pseudo-intellectual wannabe!"

"Yes ma'am, that's why I asked permission to the director, who granted it to me. I will catch my hours up on Friday."

She harbours a pinched air as I brandish the signed authorisation. In your face, old bat!

I knew she'd wind me up, that one! Ever since I've been promoted, she can't bear the sight of my portrait and seizes every opportunity she sees to remind that, prior to that, I was "only" the security manager of this museum. According to her, I've only been promoted to the Renaissance department because the director wants me on his side. Three years of studying and a job in security have nothing to do with my upgrade, obviously. What a bitter hag, Jesus!

With a superficial air, I pick up my pace again. I eventually make it past the doors, and end up outside. There, the colleague I found myself paired with four months ago is taking her break, and smoking a cigarette. She waves at me as she sees me, a smile on her lips.

"Sun Hyang!"


"You're leaving?"

"Yes, I'll catch up on Friday!"

"A concert?"

"The first of the new tour! And the first my daughter will attend!"

"Have fun, then!"

"Thanks! See you Friday!"

I leave with a smile on my face. Tonight is EXO's first concert from their new tour. It is important to them, so I have to attend! Especially since it's the first one Yeong Sil will be seeing. I've always refused before now. It used to make Baekhyun grumble, he wanted to show his little girl what his work looked like – but it's much too dangerous for a child. And even tonight, we'll still watch from behind the scenes.

I grin as I picture my daughter, so proud of her father, running around everywhere. She is almost three years old, and already so very bright. She's inherited her dad's personality, and I can tell you that it's slightly hard work: she spends her whole time shouting, running about, and when she feels lonely, you can be sure to know all about it until someone acknowledges her. Like her father, she loves to bother Kyungsoo and Junmyeon, and is happiest when Jongdae and Chanyeol set her up to no good. Of course everybody loves her, and she knows it – she sometimes play her uncles into fools when they babysit her.

My little sunshine... She scared us terribly when she came to the world, too: born prematurely, we were so close to losing her. But she's here now, our little miracle.

I push the door open to my grandma's house and immediately, I am overpowered by a tornado:


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