Chapter 11

69 3 2

Sun Hyang

After a long two-hour drive, we eventually make it to Jungse-Ri – the nearest big city to Daeseong-dong. Baekhyun tried to initiate conversation, but I cut him short immediately: I'm in survival mode – less interaction means less risk of getting myself distracted. I have to focus, remain composed and to achieve that: I need to stay clear from Baekhyun.

I suddenly feel something fall against my shoulder: he's fallen asleep, his head lying on my side. A shiver instantly runs up my spine, and I swiftly shove him off. He doesn't wake up, but grumbles as he leans against the door to his side. I let out a small breath: this is like walking around with a ticking bomb, ready to explode at any given moment.

The thing is, Baekhyun isn't the bomb: he's the spark threatening to make me implode.

Pondering on these dangerous conclusions, I stop inside a mall's car park. I'm going to have to wake him up at some point in time, but not right now: I want to make the most of this illusory calm. This is actually the first time in the last couple of days when I've successfully controlled myself around him, taken that Baekhyun can't toy around with me if he's asleep. And yet...

I turn my head to him. Eyes closed, breath even – his peaceful traits make him look like an angel. In this ugly parking lot, where a tense atmosphere can still be felt, he seems almost surreal. His fine chest rises and falls, his dark hair, his delicately parted lips, his thin fingers tangled in his messy hair, his little nose: he tempts me even as he sleeps. Who could have known that this man, fallen straight from Heaven, would incite such a violent and bloody fight between my reason and my feelings?

I shake these thoughts away, and tear my gaze from him. Fuck, I almost gave in. I can't do this, I'm never gonna make it. Who in their right mind would ever even think of me as a special agent? I'm this close to needing a babysitter just to steer away from him. Pathetic.

I inhale deeply: here we go again. Let's hope against hope nothing sets off inside me...

"Baekhyun, wake up."


"Move it, Baekhyun, we need to go."


I turn around and meet his clouded eyes: my breath hitches, and I bite my lip.

"Come on, let's go. Take all your stuff, we're not coming back."

"We're abandoning the car?"

"Yes. Hurry," I say, quickly jumping out of the vehicle.

I don't have any guns to check, so I nervously make do with digging inside my bag. It's time to stop messing about: the games have started. Baekhyun whistles as he stares at the parking lot:

"Wow... That's... really creepy..."

"The town we'll be spending the next days in carries the same vibe: it's rather gloomy, but it's the biggest city before Daeseong-dong, and the only one shady enough for us to buy guns."

"Sounds good... this is gonna be a long-ass ride."

"A few rules, though: you have to keep your hood on at all times, you don't look for attention, and above all, you stay close to me. We're gonna be ambling about in dodgy neighbourhoods, so you don't make eye contact, and stick to my heels, alright? You don't answer provocation, you stay discreet, and if things get out of hand you do exactly as I say. Understood?"

He nods, and I can tell by his stiffness that he's tense: I think I scared him. Oops.

"You've got all your things? Yeah? Let's get started then."

INTO MY WORLD (ENG.VER) - [FF EXO]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora