Naruto (1)

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First two chapters are SasuNaru Chapters~ (Chapter 1)

The blonde hokage paced his office. He had just been asleep, but had awoken abruptly. His hand resting in a crossed form, occasionally, his hand would come up to rub his face or be bit on. It was obvious something important had been on his mind.

After constant thinking and pacing, there was a knock on the door. The hokage jumped slightly, quickly turning towards the door. "C-come in!"

Shikamaru walked in, quietly shutting the door behind him. "Naruto, I think you should go home today. You've been here for two weeks straight."

Naruto shook his head. "No, It's fine. I've been here way longer before. You know that!"

Shikamaru sighs, "Yeah, I do know that, but you've seemed more stressed lately. I'm kinda getting worried."

Naruto stared at Shikamaru, before slowly making his way to his chair, sitting down, and staring at the ceiling. "I..... have something important I need to get off my chest. It's been on my mind.... and it's something that has to do with... a problem I found out a few days ago" 

Shikamaru nodded, letting him continue. "Well... you see... I've been having an affair..."

Shikamaru eyes widened, but he didn't interrupt. He was hoping to get an answer without asking anything. "The person... I've been having an affair with is... Sasuke. Don't get me wrong, though! I love Hinata... I really do! And I'm sure that Sasuke love Sakura as well.It just... kinda happened randomly one day. We used to experiment with each other when we were younger, and during one of Sasuke check-ins, it got brought up, and we ended up going further then expected. We had said it would be just that once but... every other visit, we would... have a secret intercourse."

~~Flashback to the middle of the 2nd year of Naruto being Hokage~~

Naruto stopped in the middle of the forest where he was expected to meet Sasuke. Naruto stood there patiently waiting for Sasuke to check in with his current mission. The said man showed up after only a few minutes of waiting. 

"What took you so long? Don't tell me your slowing down already." Naruto had said jokingly as the Uchiha walked up to him. The quiet man just shook his head and changed the subject.

"Here. This is some information I've gained about an ancient scroll's location that contains sacred codes. It many also take some time to reveal the codes, but it should be decently easy. I also have faced some rogue ninja along the way who were planning on attacking the leaf village. I discarded of them immediately ."

Naruto frowned at how quickly Sasuke got to the topic. He understood the urge to get straight to business, but a few jokes wouldn't hurt, right? Either way, Naruto grabbed the scroll that Sasuke was holding out to him. "Thanks, that leaves less trouble to deal with in the village."

After that quick exchange and a few others, business was over with, now they could talk about any other matter on their mind. And of course, Naruto was the one to start the conversation. "Hey Sasuke, it would make me, Sakura, and Sarada really happy, ya know, if-"

"I can't go back, you know that Naruto."

Naruto laughed lightly. "We can't go back to a lot of things. Remember how we used to... experiment with each other. I wanted us to have a serious relationship and you wanted to wait until after you got revenge. Now look at us! Married to two beautiful ladies and with beautiful kids!"

Sasuke looked away from Naruto and looked at a tree. "Hn.."

Naruto grinned "Same old Sasuke." Naruto paused in thought and tilted his head slightly "Actually... now that I think about it... didn't we make a promise or something... maybe I'm thinking wrong..."

Sasuke cut Naruto off gently pushing him to a tree. Sasuke looked into blue eyes before shaking his head. It was obvious he was mentally battling with himself at this moment. He hesitated slightly before finally looking directly at Naruto. Instead of looking into his eyes, Sasuke stared at his lips. The Uchiha mumbled the blonde's name before he actually began talking. "I want to finish what we started. I understand we're both married, but... just this once.... I want to feel you again. I don't want to feel you as a friend, but as lover. I want to finish the promise I made to you. Please.... let me have you for the last time... and hear you moan my name, again"(The three days before Sasuke left, Naruto and him were messing around a bit. Sasuke wanted to take it to the next level but Naruto wasn't ready and asked him to wait until he was ready. So, Sasuke promised himself that one day, he would feel inside Naruto, unless Naruto still wasn't ready. Naruto heard him and told him that he can't keep that promise if he dies or becomes an outcast to the village.)

Naruto stood still. He was not prepared for Sasuke to ask him this, and he yet he already had his answer. It was only once, no one would find out, and nothing could go wrong.

But isn't that what everyone says? 'Nothing could go wrong' and 'Just one more time' but something does go wrong. That one more time turns into another time. 'That'll be the last time', the last time after two, three, no four more times. Yet, he thought he was prepared for the consequences.

"Just this onc-"

Sasuke didn't let him finish. It was obvious what was going to be said, and he didn't want to wait for the full answer. He kissed the blonde eagerly and roughly. In return, the blonde wrapped his arms around his neck pulling him closer. Sasuke grabbed his waist, rubbing against him slowly.

The friction caused Naruto to moan and Sasuke slid his tongue into his mouth. During the Uchiha's mouth exploration, he had grabbed Naruto's leg, hosting it up a bit and began grinding against him harder.

Naruto broke the kiss and started moaning louder. The saliva that once connect the two was trailing down their chins. Sasuke stopped grinding and backed up, smirking as he wiped his chin. The blonde was flushed as he panted. He basically jumped on Sasuke and began grinding on him.

"P-please. Let's skip the foreplay. I really want you inside me."

The darker one pushed the panting fox back against the tree. The fox was ready to jump back onto Sasuke, but before he could, Sasuke began taking off the fox's cloths. He slowly stripped fox's off, teasing Naruto which caused him to whine. Sasuke got on his knees and kissed around his penis. Eventually, he sucked certain spots on his skin causing bruises. He licked the tip of his penis, earning a gasp. Sasuke put the tip in his mouth, and moved Naruto's left leg on his shoulder. He stopped sucking for a bit, to put some saliva on his finger before rubbing his hole and inserting a finger.

He looked up at Naruto who was already grinding against his fingers, grabbing his hair, and moaning. Sasuke put his mouth back on Naruto's d*ck while also adding another finger. After a while, he added another finger. Once the blond was moaning to those amount of fingers, Sasuke pulled them out, stopped sucking and stood up.

"Come on... stop teasing me."

Sasuke chuckled slightly. "I'm not teasing if I'm just preparing you. I'll hurt you I don't."

Naruto whined in return. "I don't care! Put it Sasuke, please~"

Sasuke sighed but turned Naruto around. He rubbed his cock against his hole softly. He leaned in softly kissing Naruto's ear before roughly insert his penis into his hole. He pulled Naruto's head against his shoulder and kissed his neck. "I'll start slow, tell me if it hurts."

~~(It's obvious what happened next and how everything happened so) Flashback Over~~

Shikamaru shook his head and looked up at the hokage. "Well what's the other problem I needed to know?"

"Well, you see....I...I'm kinda... how do I say I'm pregnant without sounding too weird?"

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