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(Chapter 5)

Naruto paces his office again. "I gotta tell him now... but I haven't decided what I'm gonna do!"

He can't keep them, they have families. He's not killing his own flesh and blood. He doesn't want to set them up for adoption, those places can be monstrous. Whether he wants to or not, he'll eventually have to tell Sasuke, Sasuke might want a say in it.

"If it helps. There are some families who will take children but is probably too busy to go to adoption centers."

Shikamaru, who had been watching the hokage worry, stated his opinion.

Naruto jumped at his words. He had forgot Shikamaru was there. "Uh... well... do you know which homes?"

Shikamaru went to the window and pointed at an area in the city. "There. There's a bunch of homes over there wanting to adopt, but because we only have one adoption center," he points to an adoption center all the way on the other side of town before pointing back. "Very few people over there barely have any time to go get a child."

Naruto nodded. The houses were nice. That's actually side of town that was usually safe and known to friendly. The houses weren't in the best condition, yet they still looked nice compared to some other homes.

"Well... I think I'm going to give them to families who will want them. If they don't, then there will probably be another family to care for them!"

Shikamaru walked away from the windows and went back to checking the paperwork. "This is Sasuke's last day in Konoha before his 2 year mission. You should hurry up and tell him."

"He's checking the perimeter around the town and then he's gonna come check in with me one last time for this summer. We're gonna meet back up halfway at the beginning of next year. I'm gonna give him a note... and tell him that way. I'm probably a coward for that, but I don't wanna make him feel like he has to worry about the child."

Shikamaru only agreed and Naruto begin writing the note.

Just on time, Sasuke walked in. The sun had gone down and it was time for his mission. "Naruto, where's the mission details?"

The blonde man sighed. "You know Sasuke, I can always send someone else. You should spend more time with your family."

Sasuke shook his head. "I've stayed longer then I was supposed to. I can get the job down faster, I doubt it'll take an entire 2 years."

Shikamaru butted in. "The estimated time was actually 3-5 years because there are minor missions along with this one, but we thought it'd only take you 2." Shikamaru handed the details over to Sasuke while explaining it.

"That explains a lot... uh, Sasuke! I have an extra note for you." Naruto handed his letter to Sasuke. Sasuke was getting ready to read it but Naruto stopped him. "Don't read it yet! Read it when your out the village... or when you get ready to rest.

Sasuke was suspicious, but didn't say anything. He just grabbed what needed and headed out.

(A while after)

Sasuke was out of the village, but not very far from it. He was extremely curious about what Naruto had given him and decided against Naruto's words. Finding a spot to stop, he begin reading. The note said:

Dear Sasuke,

Hopefully by know you're far from the village. I have very important news for you. I'm pregnant! With more then one, too! I'm not telling you how many though~ I'm not keeping them though... well, I can't keep them. You're always busy, and same for me. We have families of our own to take care of. I know you wouldn't wanna tell Sakura, and I don't wanna hurt Hinata... so it's best I give them away. Don't worry, though! I would never abort them. I'm not giving them up for adoption either. Not completely at least... I'm giving them to families that might want them! You don't have to worry about them after this, and I think we should end our side relationship. It might hurt people dear to us, ya know. I hope you understand, and don't write back!!! I mean it, Teme!
Sincerely, the hokage

Sasuke shook his head. 'I'm still gonna write back..... and did he really put the hokage?' With a small smile, Sasuke begin writing back. He finished and sent it to Naruto.

(Back at the village)

The hokage was relaxing. He finished the important paperwork, with the help of Shikamaru, and he just has to deal with the minor stuff. He sighed, and leaned up to start looking through the rest of his paperwork but Sasuke's bird tapped on the window.

"That Teme! He read it early and wrote back!" Naruto frowned but stood up and took the paper before sending Sasuke's hawk back. He opened the paper and read it:

Dear Dobe,

I can understand why you're deciding to give our children away. I would prefer if we keep them, but you're right, we have families to take care of and our wives would be heartbroken to find out what we did behind their back. Just do me a favor and tell me everything about them. I wanna know what they look like, when they're born, and where you sent them off to. I won't tell them, but when I get back, I'm gonna go visit them. I don't wanna just leave them abandoned, and I also must check to see where you are sending them. If their homes are not good, I'll find a proper home for them, because I doubt a dobe like you could choose good homes for them.
Sincerely, You already know

"So, what'd he say?" Naruto jumped hearing the voice.

"You almost scared me to death Shikamaru!" The hokage pouted and handed the note over to Shikamaru.

Shikamaru read over the note, nodding after every sentence, and set it down. "So... are you gonna tell him?"

Naruto nodded. "He has just as much right over them as I do, I'm not gonna keep their information from him." Shikamaru smiled.

"Good, let's plan what we're gonna do to hide you're pregnancy for the months."

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