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(Chapter 3)

A boy with platinum blonde hair and a girl with brown hair were waiting for their black haired friend, who had to make sure they're trouble maker friends, Boruto and Mitsuki, didn't cause any trouble. Well, more Boruto but Mitsuki would follow behind Boruto without question.

Chocho, the brunette girl, was munching on chips as normal. "So, Inojin...when are you gonna tell Shikadai that you like him?"

Inojin pauses in the middle of his drawing and looked up at Chocho with a worried look. "Huh? When did you find out that? I never told anyone..." then he gave her a passive smile. "Well, either way, I'll tell Shikadai about my crush on him when you tell Sarada about your crush on her."

Chocho choke on the chip she was eating and Inojin laughed. Once her choking stopped, she glared at Inojin. "You already know I can't tell her that! She has the biggest crush on someone. I'm not telling you who because as her best friend, it's not my place to tell you."

"Let me guess....Boruto?"

Chocho froze and pouted. "Nooo....what makes you say that?"

Inojin let out a soft chuckle. "I'm pretty sure everyone in the class knows and just isn't saying anything. Boruto's the only one hasn't figured out yet."

Chocho shook her head. "My poor bestie... if she keeps mentally chasing Boruto, she'll be alone forever."

Inojin nodded and went back to drawing.

Chocho eventually threw her chip bag at Inojin. He only flinched slightly at the impact.

"What was that for, Chubby?"

She pointed at Iwabe and Denki who were coming towards them. Denki was reading and talking to Iwabe, while Iwabe looked completely confused.

She giggled and flipped her hair before going into her own fantasy world. "Just imagine it! That could be me and Sarada! We'd be the best couple and no one would be able to do anything but stare and think 'Wow! They're such an amazing couple~' We'd make an even better couple then Iwabe and Denki. Yeah, they compliment each other so well, but me and Sarada would be like, the most perfect power couple. Just thinking about it sends -"

"Hey, Inojin and Chocho!"

Chocho stopped half sentence to see Iwabe and Denki right in front of them. Iwabe frowned slightly. "Hey, what were you two talking about? Hopefully it's more interesting then this book Den's reading."

Chocho blushed slightly. Although she was blushing, her arrogance didn't go away at all. "Well, if you really wanna know, I was talking about this new brand of chip that just came out. They sound so good and I just couldn't help but to like, imagine the taste."

Iwabe chuckled slightly. "Of course you were."

Chocho blushed more. A thought came to her head at that exact moment. 'Why am I blushing so easily. I like Sarada and Iwabe is dating Denki! B-but... his little laugh was really cute...'

Shikadai arrived a bit after those thoughts. "Hey"

Inojin looked up from his paper and looked at Shikadai. He smiled and was slightly hyped at Shikadai's arrival. "Hey Shikadai. Where's Boruto and Mitsuki?"

Shikadai sighed and shook his head. "They ran away and I can't find them." He softly facepalmed. "I was hoping they were with you guys."

"No, Boruto or Mitsuki aren't with us, but I know who he is with."

Before Shikadai could ask. Sarada came dragging the two trouble makers along with Sumire, Namida, and Wasami trailing her.


Shikamaru waves at Sarada and girls when Sarada throws the two boys down. "Shouldn't you be keeping a better eye on them, Shikadai!"

Shikadai shrugged. "They had some sort of plan to escape and actually managed to get away. I went around looking for them, then I kinda hoped they made here on their own."

Sarada sighed, but before any words could be spoken, Boruto jumped on Sumire giving her a hug. Sumire blushed, but hugged back anyways. Boruto eventually pulled away and held her hand. Everyone looked shocked.

Mitsuki was the first to snap out of it though. "Mind explaining, Boruto?"

Boruto laughed. "Oh! I guess I forgot to tell you! Me and Sumire are dating now!"


They all shouted surprised and Sumire spoke up. She gave a smile and said. "We're dating, but it's only been since yesterday so it's not like we've been hiding it."

Chocho snuck a glance at Sarada, who looked slightly heart broken. She shook it off and gave Sumire a stern look. "I don't see what you see in him, but if your happy, I guess it can't be help."

A few nodded along while some laughed. In the end, they all excepted the new couple.

After some talking, they all made their way to school. Shikadai and Inojin fell behind. Inojin was still stuck on the drawing he was making and Shikadai was just giving him a bit of company.

Shikadai gave Inojin a pat on his shoulder to stop him. The artist stopped, and looked at him, giving him a hum to show he acknowledged him. "So, Uncle Sasuke's birthday is in three days. Are you going?"

Inojin nodded. "Of course. My mom and dad are going and said that I have to go to, but I don't have to stay long if I don't want to. I was told to at least stay an hour. How about you?"

Shikadai groaned slightly. "Yeah, what a drag. My dad didn't care if I went, by my mom said it'd be rude to miss a family friend's party at my age since I shouldn't have anything else important to do. You'd think a 14 year old would be able to make their own choices, but nope. Did I mention that it was a drag?"

Inojin giggled slightly. "Yeah, you did. Don't worry, I'll stay with you and keep you entertained for as long as I can. Sadly, I can't promise much entertainment from me."

Shikadai smiled. "You being there will be enough entertainment for me."

Inojin was about to respond but Boruto has begun waving his arms and calling them. "I guess... we should hurry."

Shikadai nodded And they went to school.

(Sorry there weren't much Shikajin this chapter. But there will be soon! The next chapter is also ShikaJin!)

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