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(Chapter 5)- short part

(Four months after Sasuke's birthday)

Naruto walked with struggle through the woods with Shikamaru by his side helping him walk. Apparently the blonde homage was due early and he was able to find a doctor in the woods to help him with the whole giving birth thing. Through his whole pregnancy neither Sasuke's nor Naruto's wives or children have found out about the pregnancy. So it's a win win right? Not really Naruto still had to give his not yet born kids a home. But the blonde man feels a little guilty to have to not let his kids not meet their real parents but he could always visit them.

"Mr. Naruto here come lie down right here" The doctor cleared the bed for Naruto to lie on. "So how have you been-" "Aaaaaaagh!" The doc was cut off with a scream from Naruto, follow by a groan then another scream. "Oh gosh the children are coming" Shikamaru looked at him with a confused look. "Children?" The doctor nodded as he instructed Naruto to push.

"Triplets. Didn't I mention it?" Shikamaru turned from the doctor to look at the painting sweating Naruto. "Come on Mr. Naruto, you can do it!" Naruto pushed one more time and out came a beautiful small baby boy with black raven hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and to top it off, whiskers on his cheeks.The doctor hands him the child then goes to bring a bucket of water, soap, and washing cloth. He also brought three towels, each a different color. The doctor starts washing the child when Naruto let's out another scream. The doctor jumps up and within seconds, delivers the second child, who looked exactly like Naruto, except without his whiskers. The doctor and shikamaru finish washing off the two children and wait another 5 before delivering the last one, who looked exactly like Sasuke, but had Naruto's face shape.

Naruto pants trying to get air into his lungs. Shikamaru gives the two eldest children he was holding to Naruto then the doctor gives the youngest to the blonde male. 'Thank you" he mouthed to them. "So what are you going to name them? " Shikamaru asks curiously looking at the babies and Naruto.

The blonde ninja thinks for a while then says "Menma, will be the name of the oldest child, the middle Naraka, and finally the youngest Sasane. Naruto took one last glance at his children then falls into a deep sleep.

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