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Okay let me get a few things straight:

-i didn't have any picture of JunVin so I used the BTS logo as a default and I'll get a different cover eventually

-Yes I'm an A.R.M.Y

-Jimin-ssi is my bias

-This is a Gay love story(in case you didn't read the description)

-This is all based on persons in my school(including my classmates, me, and my teachers)

-Some weird sh*t are in here so in case you aren't from my school,please just go with the story :)))

-This is only a fanfiction about my teachers these scenarios aren't real(unless it IS! Dun dun duuuunnn)

-Sir Marjun, Sir Marvin, if (either or both of) you are reading this, THIS IS ONLY A FANFICTION YOU HEAR ME!

-Sirs, If everything in this story happens in irl, then I must be dreaming

O"Kaye"(Reference to my classmate) why are you still here GO AND READ! BE FREE AS A TURKEY!!!

JunVin: Tribute To Marjun And MarvinWhere stories live. Discover now