Teaching headache

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(I dare you to figure out what the f*ck is happening with those numbers over there. Explain in the comments to prove you like math and I know that approximately 90% of you absolutely hate algebra like me. I'm counting on that 10% to figure it out)

(Marjun POV)

Hi. I'm Marjun Cuyag, the teacher with the most annoying students in SMS. These students are incredibly stupid (mostly in Science) but my personal favorites are:

Shiloh Bañares (A/N: The smartest smartass in class)

Katrina Gayle Garcia(A/N:meh Best friend)

Nichole Miranda(A/N: No she is not related to the God who created Hamilton. Sorry)

Duchess Jebulan(A/N: my A.R.M.Y best friend)

Caramela Sidlao(A/N: smart, rich, and nice. So nice that she bought me and a few of my other classmates food this afternoon)

And Zweite Duron.(meh name is weird I know and it means 2nd in German since I was the second baby to be ordered online by my parents using a plug and an outlet. Not literally,but you know what I mean, right?)

These students are smart in my subject(science) and the most obedient, really.("riiiigghhhtt" - @kate_garsha ) But the rest of the class always give me a headache by the end of the day. And that would probably be an endless cycle if they couldn't learn shut their traps(at least by the last day of school). Last year they were Marvin's students, and they were ALOT more behaved. But I guess he's better at raising children.

The good thing about being a teacher here is probably the money and the fact that my high school friends got a jobs here as teachers too. Theres Donna(math teacher for Elementary), Marvin(MAPEH teacher elementary), Reggie(EPP teacher for Elementary and high school), Mayflor(AP teacher for Elementary)Marisol(English teacher and substitute teacher for High school and elementary)and Alan(MAPEH teacher for High School).

Most of my students here are pretty weird, especially two of my 6 favorites, Zweite and Gayle. They keep calling me Alexander, and I don't know why, same with my fellow friends and co-workers. Here is a break down of all the names they call us:

Me = Alexander
Marvin = John
Marisol = Eliza
(They call us three the "MARS" All in caps cause they scream it when they say MARS)
Redgie = Herc/Hercules
Alan = Laf/ Lafayette/ Laffy
Donna = Peggy
Mayflor =

I'm just glad I know more than 2 people here at SMS. But one things for sure: my students give me a TEACHING HEADACHE. Well, at least the majority of them. Especially the boys. Did you know how annoying it is to have students that are going through puberty? ITS REALLY HARD! They talk about stuff that they shouldn't talk about(P*rn, $3×, M@$+3rb@ting, etc). The girls usually sit there, listening to them, their faces filled with fear and disgust.

Though they are annoying, I still consider them my children, they're weird, noisy, disgusting, annoying, but I still love them.(Especially the girls).

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