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(A/N:Look that picture over there is taken by Gayle and it was her idea to take a picture in secret!!! Btw, that person with the pink uniform is Sir Marvin. And the one with the black and white stripes is Marjun?

Reader:*looks at picture on top* .......you creeps.) ("Thank you😁"-@kate_garsha )

He waited for an answer patiently as I looked at the flag in horror. He waited with a serious face.......sheit

"I.........*sigh*...MYCOUSINGAVEITTOMEAFTERHISVISITTOAMERICAANDHEISGAYSOHEJOINEDTHEPRIDEPARADEANDBROUGHTMEHOMEAFLAG..A-and....I understand if you're a h-h-homophob and all bu---"I stopped him mid-sentence.

"WAIT, you thought I was homophobic?!" He screamed then i nodded slowly.

He laughed then hugged me. "You're stupid, you know that? I I have a bunch of friends and cousin's who are LBGT And why in the world would I hate you for having a gay pride flag!!" He laughed along with me and decided to watch Netflix before sleeping. Me, loving the movie, stayed up until 11:00 and blushed when Marjun got tired and rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled to myself and turned off the TV. I grabbed a blanket for him and me and fell asleep right there on the couch, resting on each other's heads


I opened my eyes and blinked twice. Why was I sleeping on the couch? Why is Marjun in my house? OH NO WHAT IF HE LIKES ME SO MUCH THAT HE BROKE INTO MY HOUSE JUST FOR ME?! Pffffft As if he likes me!!

Anyway I stood up and glanced at Marjun. He was making Fried eggs and setting the table at the same time. Damn my crush is The Flash. Wait a second......is he wearing my apron?! I blinked and blushed.

He turned around and smiled at me sweetly. "I made breakfast! Oh, and we have to arrive at school at 7:00. Nanay said we have this meeting thing about a trip to Manila that we have to attend."and (A/N:Nanay is what we call our principal, but we also call her Nanay Elsa)

I nodded and ran to the bathroom to take a bath. After my bath, I stepped out of the shower and saw a phone on the sink. Eh. It's probably Marjun's. I put a towel around my waist and just as I was about to put gel in my hair to look decent, Marjun rushed into the bathroom."Hey, Vin, I forgot my phon-" he paused as soon as he spotted my bare chest. He blushed and cleared his throat.

"I-im just gonna get my phone..." He stated and tried to reach over to the sink but failed miraculously and slipped. I caught him but due to his heaviness, we are now hurling down to the ground. He fell on top of me and accidentally uncovered my lower body. His face is now like a tomato. "IM SORRY ILL JUST TAKE MY PHONE AND GET OUT!!!" He got up and ran out of the bathroom with his phone in hand. I got myself up to my feet and wrapped my towel around my waist again. I chuckled to myself a bit. How could an adult man be so awkward around people like me? I'm awkward too!

*End of z flashback*

We both laughed remembering that time.

I know we went on a date and all, but I still have one question for him,

"Marjun what are we?"










"W-what do you mean..?" He said with a nervous tone. I blinked and asked it again. "what are we? I mean like, we went on a date, we both know we share feelings for each other, are we dating? Or are we-" I was cut off by him saying,

"Why don't we make it official then-"

(I'mma let the people decide what happened to them, cause like, this is the co-writer writing right now, and I just can't write scenes like this FOR OUR TEACHERS)

~summer of 2018~

Ever since that night, we became official bf's and Redgie and Alan are a couple now. Me and Marjun decided to do tutorial lessons during the summer at school, and for some reason our number one fans, Zweite and Gayle went to our lessons. They had pretty good grades, so I have no idea why they "absolutely needed" these lessons. We finished another lesson today"Hey Jun, let's meet up at the park tommorow at 5:20 okay?" My beloved boyfriend nodded.


"S-so, Marvin...." Marjun said. "Why are we here excactly..? If you're here to show me the sunset, we can see it perfectly at my house...." I grinned and grabbed the small velvet box at my back pocket. I kept my clenched hand behind my back and got on my knees. Marjun looked down and gasped. "M-marvin...? Are you......" He asked. I smiled up at him and revealed the box and opened it to reveal a beautiful gold ring with a  carved "Vin x Jun" on the middle.

"Marjun Cuyag, will you marry me?" I asked nervously. He grinned as his eyes brimmed with little tears. "Yes!!!" He hugged me and I slowly slipped the ring on his finger. He blushed and hugged me tighter. Alright, all we need to do is find a flower gir-(Kate:ME PLEASE        me:NO!! MEEEEEE).....ummmmmmm what about both of you...

The main writer here, I'mma put the wedding next so......O_O

JunVin: Tribute To Marjun And Marvinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن