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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the show Austin & Ally or any of it's characters.

Warnings: This is an AU story. The characters will be slightly OOC too - but only to fit the purpose of the story. I apologise in advance for any typos.

Thin Lines - Prologue

She can remember the first day she met Dez Wade…and he was no less the idiot then, than he was currently.

It had been the first day of seventh grade and from the very moment he had her tripping up and falling on her face in front of everyone in their new homeroom, she'd known that he would soon be furthest from one of her favourite people. As she'd watched him laugh with several other of his stupid friends, she was already planning the beginning of his never ending torture.

Ever since that faithful day, he'd done everything in his power to ruin a little bit of her day every day for the next four years. He didn't even have to do much, a glimpse of his stupid grinning freckled face would be enough to put her in the worst of moods.

What made it even worse however was that no one else seemed to see what an idiot he could be. In fact, he was considered one of the popular ones at the school they attended, and not just because his best friend so happened to be internet sensation Austin Moon.

She had been certain that after graduation, she would be fine with never seeing his face again - ecstatic even. Junior year, however, was the year that managed to change everything.

Because suddenly, Dez wasn't the most sickening creature on earth.


If there was one person he had to name that always managed to get under his skin, it would be the feisty Latina girl Trish De La Rosa. If he did so much as glance her way, he was greeted with a glare or a scowl - or sometimes both with twice the wrath if she was in a particularly bad mood. It was like she didn't know the meaning of the word happy...or maybe it was just his presence that did that to her.

She had an insult for him everyday of the week, and let's not forget the long list of nicknames she also had stored for him too. He understood why she disliked him; he was the one who started it after all. But when he had tripped her up all those years ago, he had only meant for it to be a harmless joke. Who was he to know that she would be the worst person imaginable to try out such a joke on?

Her friend Ally Dawson seemed nice enough, so why didn't all that niceness rub off on her? They'd been friends for years too so he'd heard. And he was sure if that wasn't enough to make Trish a slightly nicer person then nothing was. He was also sure that if he ever saw her again after graduation it would be too soon.

He wasn't to know that Junior year would be the year he found himself seeing her in a new light - a brighter and better one.


Junior year was the year a lot of things happened. But most importantly, it was the year Trish De La Rosa and Dez Wade both fell in love with a person they had sworn they would always hate.

It was the year they both fell in love with each other.

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